Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Free kibbles

2004 exit polls showed that values was the major issue. In 2006 it's corruption. This sounds like the same group of voters. But you can't poll the people who didn't vote. For them was it corruption, spending, tax reform, or illegal immigration that kept them home? Nobody represents mainstream America on these issues.

It didn't take long for Rumsfeld to resign. I don't want to see Bush cave to the Democrats - he's too liberal already, and the last thing we need is for him to be even more liberal, but Rumsfeld was an impediment to a more agressive approach in Iraq. I this change will make us more aggressive. I am going to miss those Rumsfeld press conferences.

Drudge is reporting John Bolton might be next to go. Along with John Roberts and Samuel Alito, John Bolton is a bright spot on Bush's terribly liberal resume. If Bolton goes, it would signal Bush got the wrong message. This election proved American wants the liberal Republicans to move back to the mainstream, but caving to the Democrats would mean they're moving even further to the left. ETA: Drudge has removed this report.

Rush Limbaugh admits he's a sycophant. Like we didn't know.
I feel liberated. I'm just goign to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried. Now, you might say, well, why have you been doing it? Because the stakes are high.
McCain made politcal hay this election, even though he's one of the worst Republican offenders. McCain has no interest in freedom. His liberal positions like his assualt on the first amendment with McCain/Feingold are a big reason Republicans got spanked yesterday.

The Terminator will set his sites on the natural born citizen requirement for President in the Constitution. Vicente Fox is hoping Arnold is successful.

Nancy Pelosi will likely become the first woman Speaker of the House. It's her policies I worry about.

Bill Gates says the west doesn't produce enough IT talent. That's because the federal government and the Department of Education are destroying education in America. But what party is for stopping the failed federal involvment in education and turning it back over to the states, local governments, and private enterprise?

Tony Snow says the President isn't going to surrender to Democrats. I hope not. We need gridlock. We don't need liberal George Bush accomidating the even more liberal Democrats.

Isreal is rightly concerned about the Democrat's victory. In a related story, terrorists are elated.

FCC says that profanity is OK in news shows. Talk about muddying the waters. Drop the regulation and let the viewers decide what they want to watch.

Ronald Brownstein says that Republicans ceded the center. There's an important distinction between the center or the middle, and the mainstream. This center or middle is based on a minority of the population - the minority that identifies with the two parties. This middle is between the liberal Republicans and the more liberal Democrats. This is different from the mainstream of America, most of whom don't bother to vote anymore, which is not represented by either party. The two parties only care about those who identify with them, so they fight over that tiny, liberal middle instead of having the vision to capture the mainstream. Ronald Reagan had that vision, and that's why he won in landslides. It's amazing nobody learned from him.

Pat Buchanon points out that trade protectionism is rearing it's head. But our trade policy is not to blame for the lack of manufacturing jobs, the income tax is. Our trade policy is to blame for enriching our enemies, which is even stupider. We didn't defeat Soviet communism by making the Soviet's rich.

"Republicans did not lose on a platform of limiting the size and scope of government." That's for sure.

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