Saturday, November 11, 2006

Free kibbles

Iran uses drone to spy on U.S. aircraft carrier.

British are worried about U.S. intelligence operations.

Dick Durbin is threatening the best aspect of the Bush administration - judicial selections.

Freshman think voters are tired of gridlock. Are they stupid? How could they miss the message we sent that voters are tired of big government and prefer gridlock to a big government agenda. The southern invasion can't be solved by amnesty, guest worker programs or fences - big government solutions all. Big government's income tax penalizes American manufacturing. Big government has already broken our health care and education systems, and more government intervention can only make them worse. Until one party dedicates itself to freedom for Americans, smaller government, and empowering the people to solve problems, gridlock is the best we can hope for.

Radley Balko analyzes the election results and tells us what to expect.

Rusty Shackleford makes a good case for Jon Stewart as Democratic king-maker.

Thomas Sowell bemoans the west's lack of desire to defend itself. Failure to recognise the wisdom of killing tyrants and evil-doers is a sign of a society's success and impending failure.

Germany is seeking to charge American officials with crimes because of actions at Abu Gharib and Gitmo. Huh?

Chris Edwards documents that the ousted Republicans were liberals.

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