Friday, November 17, 2006

Free kibbles

Condoleezza Rice has noticed that China is a threat. This won't stop us from making the Communist Chinese richer and more powerful.

The web is having a significant effect on government, but demanding good government is unfair to politicians. Web rage has real world consequences.

Bo Schembechler died. He was a great football coach. Woody Hayes taught him well. Go Bucs.

More facts frustrate global warming extremists. Despite being aided by incredibly biased reporting, the hate-America crowd will have to find another hysteria-inducing issue to halt our economy.

Bush seems to recognize Democrats' plan for turning Iraq into Bush's Vietnam. But will he finally free the troops to kill the enemy?

Apparently even blond Bonds have more fun.

Israel goes high-tech to fight terrorism.

NASA wants to send an astronaut to deflect a potentially dangerous asteroid. This is a job best left to robots, which could reach the asteroid much sooner and much more cheaply. We could send several robots for the same price as a manned mission.

Conservatives are more generous than liberals. This should surprise nobody.

After being resoundly rejected at the polls, stupid Republicans elect the same leaders. Not to be outdone in the stupid government department, Nancy Pelosi has her own screw ups.

Charles Krauthammer blames the Iraqis for the state of Iraq. What a novel idea.

After Peggy Noonan's insightful commentary on a potential third party, it's sad to see her fall back on the ubiquitous distraction of the political center. The great libertarian mainstream of America goes unrepresented in the two party system, yet the press fawns over the tiny center that vacillates between anti-freedom Republicans and Democrats. If either party truly wants lasting power, forget this tiny center, and stand up for smaller government, tax reform, secure borders, and a muscular foreign policy. The problem is that neither party is willing to empower Americans, so they fight over the much smaller pie of people who want government mommies and daddies. Ronald Reagan is throwing up in his grave.

Border control isn't our right, it's our responsibility. Look what happened to the Indians. For the life of me, I can't understand how any American supports illegal immigration over legal immigration, except employers who are paying inequitable salaries.

Milton Friedman was a man after my own heart.

William Powers thinks he knows why the media love Democrats.

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