Thursday, November 30, 2006

Free kibbles

Iraq Study Group to press for retreat and diplomacy with Iran and Syria. I wonder if they also suggest we go ahead and give Iran the bomb today and kill all the Lebanese ministers for Syria. Data on troop movements in Iraq leaked to the Internet. Powell says Iraq is in a civil war.

Pope has mass with Orthodox Christian counterpart. The Pope also visited a mosque - only the second Pope in history to do so. It's amazing that religious wars and rifts from thousands of years ago still greatly influence modern life.

More planes and British locales tested for radiation. 33,000 British Airways passengers alerted to radiation scare.

Democrats break promise to implement all of 9/11 commissions suggestions. They've lost their moral high ground on this issue, and changing Congress is probably the most important change needed.

Wal-Mart expected to announce fall in sales for first time.

The culture war over the male pill begins.

Britons turn on broadband. I certainly spend more time on the computer and less watching TV.

Apocalypto has unusual marketing campaign.

Stephen Hawking says man must colonize other planets.

Victor Davis Hanson describes how oil drives violence and totalitarianism. He's on the verge of making the case for a Cold War of Terror, but he hasn't gotten quite that far.

Pierre Atlas says the U.S. should stop treating Middle East conflicts as separate events, and he proposes President Bush call a Middle East summit. This is an excellent way to for the U.S. to regain the initiative in the region.

Mark Davis points out how slander is used to attack citizens who want to defend our borders.

Chirac takes one last stab at the back of the U.S, promoting Russia in its totalitarian ambitions.

More from Boortz about the tragedy of the war on drugs and no-knock warrants.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a position paper for the Democrats. I wonder what the Iranian hostages think about the friendly nation of Iran.

The disturbing irony of the illegal immigration problem is that so many great immigrants come to the U.S. legally, integrate, but are screwed by the U.S. bureaucracy. For some of these people, the results are torn families, yet our politicians welcome the gate-crashers, while making life as hard as possible for those who come legally and join American society.

Senator Tom Coburn is waging a one-man war against pork.

Cops who shoot too much.

1 comment:

  1. "Cops who shoot too much."

    Sounds to me like they are not trained very well.... maybe NY should change their training program. If you cant hit what your aiming at with the 1st 2 clips then dont bother with the 3rd
