Thursday, November 16, 2006

Free kibbles

Libertarians influence politics in ways other than elections.

Milton Friedman died.

The German case against Rumsfeld is unlikely to make it to court. Germany wants to retain the credibility of its courts.

Bush gets more serious about winning in Iraq. Any plan for victory has to allow American and Iraqi forces to destroy the militias, or it's doomed to fail. Ralph Peters explains how to win in Iraq by killing all the bad guys, and how our policies aid the terrorists. It seems Bush got the voters' message - we want a plan for victory in Iraq, not Bush's endless war or Pelosi's surrender. But will Bush let our troops win?

In a related story most Democrats voted for Hoyer over Pelosi's pet anti-war candidate, Murtha. Even most Democrats don't support retreat and defeat. Victor David Hanson says Democrats won't change much of anything since there aren't any good choices. This won't sit well with the loony left.

The public realizes Democrats don't have a plan. This points out the failure of the two party system. We defeated Republicans for their big government, tepid war-fighting ways, but now we're stuck with worse Democrats for out trouble.

Here's a video of the ethically challenged Democrats' candidate for majority leader. He also called Pelosi's proposed ethics bill 'crap.' The Democrats' circus is back on stage.

McCain says Republicans lost their way and need to return to their small government principles. This from the guy who did more damage to the first amendment than anybody in history. This is just campaign rhetoric.

O.J. confesses - sort of.

Iran's daily threat to Israel. The Iranians do this day after day to the point where individuals tend to tune it out. That's a mistake.

The world has plenty of oil, but it's still in our strategic interest to end our dependence on foreign energy. Let the mullahs eat their oil.

Tony Blankley is making this too hard. Of course governing takes coalitions, but there has to be some fundamental principles that hold the coalition together. That's what Republicans lost. The coalition can be rebuilt on the principles of limited government, tax reform (the FairTax), secure borders, and muscular foreign policy. A majority of Americans support those 4 fundamental positions.

Boortz thinks that Democrats could have won more seats if they had had a unified, national agenda. I think if Democrats had laid out their agenda, America would have been turned off and stayed home in record numbers instead of voting for either party's terrible agenda. Democrats were smart to hide their anti-American plans.

Pat Buchanan points out Bush's idiocy regarding illegal immigration. Even the Democrats get it, but not Bush. Maybe blue dog Democrats can work with House Republicans to kill amnesty.

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