Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain picked Sarah Palin

McCain picked Sarah Palin. From the introduction, she's got it all. She's a woman. She climbed the ladder from PTA to city council to mayor to governor on her own. Her husband is in a union. She has 5 children. Her oldest son is shipping out to Iraq. She's a lifetime member of the NRA. She hunts. She fishes. She's speaks great. She's quick on her feet. She's pretty. She's expert on energy. Her security detachment better be on the ball because Democrats and their agents in the press are going to come after her with long knives. She's classy. She makes Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton look like the political hacks they are.

Expect Democrats to attack her for running for office instead of staying home and taking care of her downs syndrome baby. They'll attack her for the investigation over replacing a cabinet member just like they attacked Bush over firing the Attorneys. They'll attack her for lack of experience while lauding Obama's freshness. They'll claim McCain picked her out of political opportunism, but they won't say anything about Hillary riding Bill's coat-tails. And she will be so far above them in class and professionalism that every attack will make her look better and Democrats and their agents in the press look worse.

Right now at least, Sarah Palin is the most exiting thing to happen to politics since Reagan.

I'm not the only one who thinks every time a liberal attacks Palin on her experience, it boomerangs back on Obama. Palin has more executive experience than McCain, Obama, Biden, and Clinton combined. I guarantee you she knows that and will make that point loud and clear. It's funny that liberals don't see the hypocrisy in supporting Hillary Clinton, who's only claim to fame was riding her husband's coattails to a New York Senate seat, and Barack Obama who buddied up to a unrepentant terrorist and white-hating, race-baiting preacher and rode them into his Senate seat, while deriding Sarah Palin, who climbed the ladder from PTA to city council to mayor to governor on her own merits. From what we've seen so far, Palin is a self-made woman, unlike Obama or Clinton. It may turn out she's the beneficiary of powerful and corrupt patrons like Obama and Clinton, but I doubt it, and we have no reason to think so so far.

Maybe that's why Democrats hate self-reliance - they can't do it. Obama and Clinton had to depend on other so acheive success. Palin made it on her own.

Major Garrett describes how the Obama camp, just as I predicted, reflexively attacked Sarah Palin. At least they reversed themselves after a while, but they still didn't go all the way and praise Hillary Clinton for making this possible and praise Republicans for following Democrats' lead. This was just an instinctive, animal response, as expected.

Palin is vulnerable on this abuse of power scandal whether the scandal has any merit or not. I have no idea if it does or not, but the liberal press can and will dog her with questions about it all day, every day. The press won't ask Obama about Rezko, Ayers, Wright, or any of his communist mentors all through his life, but they will harass and abuse Palin over firing this cabinet member forever. If McCain wins, they won't stop.

The more I think about it, Palin is the antithesis of Barack Obama's and liberals' theme that America is too tough for Americans to become successful without government handouts. She's the antithesis of Hillary's It Takes a Village. She's the antithesis of the victimization society, especially of minorities and women, that liberals think America is. That's why they reflexively attack her and will try to destroy her.

I don't think Palin is a desperate pick at all. Opportunistic, yes. Desperate, no. I'm stunned by this guy's claim that McCain is in bad shape and that we're being fooled by close polls. The polls at this time always way overestimate the Democrat. I don't know why every poll doesn't come with that footnote attached. He also severely undervalues her experience. She is the best expert on energy of all the candidates. She's the toughest candidate on corruption. The importance of those 2 things with the electorate should never be underestimated. I bet she knows more about the economy, the most important issue to voters, than any of the others because she was running a local government then a state government while they sat in committees.

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