Friday, August 22, 2008

Free kibbles

Russians pull back from Georgia at snail's pace, and will take 10 days to withdraw, leaving 2,000 troops in Georgia.

Cato explains that inflation caused by runaway federal spending that is being paid for by the Fed increasing money supply is a type of tax.

Cato contrasts our market-driven college school system to our bureaucratic primary and secondary school systems.

Cato says immigrants come to the US to work, not get on welfare or cause trouble. Certainly many do, but maybe Cato has never heard of MS13. Immigrants who come to America legally come to work. Those who break the law and come here illegally by definition have no compunction about breaking our laws and must be stopped from working or gaining benefits so they'll go home.

Scientists explain how fire caused the collapse of building 7 after the World Trade Center attacks.

Obama's Zero to Five indoctrination plan is back in the forefront. Obama thinks raising children is too important a task to leave to parents, and since government does a wonderful job with children (not our graduation rates), the government should take over. Yikes!

Online version of Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom. Excellent.

David Walker's documentary on the looming debt crisis, IOUSA, is out. The WSJ explains that we cannot tax our way out of the entitlement crisis.

California mayor stops kids from selling homegrown watermellons because of lack of permits. You must have government permission to sell watermellons in California. The weight of our laws is crushing our spirit and earnings.

Is anybody surprised that the credibility of news organizations is dropping?

The war on drugs isn't stopping teens from getting drugs. Duh. Kids get more drugs because they're illegal and therefore uncontrolled than if they were legal and controlled.

As warped as this sounds at first, you can't deny the logic. Homophobia is genetic too. There's no doubt that genetics plays a role in homophobia just like genetics plays a role in homosexuality and every other behavior. Let's apply the same standards to both. Homophobes have as much right to their behavior as homosexuals. And this idea opens a larger can of worms. Genetics plays a role in every behavior, but families and societies try to change behaviors that are considered negative for the good of the individual and society. To say that because a behavior is influenced by genes, it must be OK, is not a valid argument in support of any behavior. Otherwise we'd have to accept all behavior without exception, which is absurd. Any particular behavior has to be judged by society on its own merits based on its affect on society. Which brings us full circle. As long as nobody gets assaulted or threatened or intimidated, both homosexual and homophobic behavior are fine with me. It seems to me both homosexuals and homophobes should just leave each other alone, but radicals in both groups have some twisted need to push themselves into the face of the other, or worse (which is genetically influenced behavior too, and should be rejected by society).

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