Sunday, August 17, 2008

Free kibbles

Congratulations to Michael Phelps for winning 8 gold medals. That's amazing.

Russian President Medvedev once again pledges to pull out of Georgia. How many times have we heard that already? I can't tell if Medvedev is working with Putin, placating the west while Putin continues his imperial ways, or if Medvedev and Putin are at odds.

Here's an example of one of Obama's fascist work programs - if you want to listen to Obama speak at the convention, you have to put in at least 6 hours of volunteer work for his campaign. Sound familiar? This tells us where Obama is taking the country and shows that there's nothing compassionate about welfare. He's going to transform welfare programs into forced-work programs. Michelle Obama keeps telling us that, but nobody is paying attention. This shows the horrible reality of welfare, it gives the govenment power over welfare recipients. That's why the government loves welfare. That's why welfare of any kind is destructive to both recipient and provider and should be abolished.

It is hard to tell these teens are being satirical. They did a great job.

Los Angeles is using a grant from NEA, that's federal tax dollars, to fund a book fair in Mexico while cutting library services in Los Angeles.

Newt Gingrich explains the complications in drilling for oil on a government lease including the expensive litigation brought by environmental groups.

Nancy Pelosi lines her pockets with money from wind power supporters.

Democrats suffer from too few limousines at their convention. The limousine liberals won't be able to ride in the style to which they're accustomed.

It seems to me that anybody advocating for Sharia law in America is trying to overthrow the Constitution, which is treason.

This girl's dress covers everything it's supposed to cover, and she should sue the security guard and mall for kicking her out.

What in the world is "photographing without permission"? If you're in public, you can be photographed. Just ask New York City with all its security cameras.

These "25 Reasons You Might Be a Liberal" are perfect.

Government mandated solar power in California is going to cost California residents more money. Alternative energy is not yet cost-effective, and mandating it hurts the poor most of all, making them even less able to adapt to inevitable climate change.

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