Saturday, August 02, 2008

Free kibbles

Here we go again. Obama blames McCain for turning Obama's comment on race into a "racially incendiary remark". When Obama injects race into the campaign, he's being constructive and informative because he's such a good guy and can do no wrong. But when anybody else mentions him bring up race, let alone brings up race themselves, they're being racially incendiary. It must be nice to live in Obama's dreamworld. Obama's greatest skill is blaming others for his actions.

NASA briefs White House on preliminary findings that Phoenix lander has discovered evidence that Mars has the potential to support life. Apparently this finding is much more significant than the confirmation of water on Mars that it's being kept secret so far.

Apparently under great pressure, inner electrons of elements interact, not just the valence electrons. This would lead to some amazing molecules. It's good to know that chemistry is still evolving.

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