Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Free kibbles

Oh my goodness. Zogby poll shows McCain leading Obama by 5 points. Before you start claiming bias, the same poll had Obama up 7 points a month ago. It's unheard of for a Democrat to be behind in a poll at this time. Worse yet, the generic polls showing Democrats still have a huge lead over Republicans. Worse yet, Bush still has a horrible approval rating. The American people are seeing through Obama. Democrats have to be fit to be tied about how horrible a candidate they chose.

You know Hillary is still angling to steal the nomination if she can. Wouldn't she just love to have her party call on her to save the election for the Democrats. I think the Clintons' very slick, ongoing undermining of Barack Obama is taking a toll on him in the polls as well as his own performance.

Magpies recognizes themselves in the mirror. Scientists have long said only humans are self-aware, but that never made any sense to me. Every dog I've had seemed plenty aware of itself and seemed to recognize itself in the mirror.

Cato reports that Pakistan's infighting about judges distracts them from significant threat of the rapidly growing terrorist movement along the Afghanistan border.

Cato explains that the mass surveillance of Americans entering and leaving the country has nothing to do with terrorism.

I can't put it any better than this quote from Cato about how government is driving up our health care costs: "Government controls half the nation's health care spending, gives employers control over a further 25 percent, and voila! health care costs are devouring everyone's paycheck because everyone is spending someone else's money. Universal coverage would just let government devour even more of workers' paychecks. The madness will end only when government returns the money to the workers and gets out of the way."

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