Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Free kibbles

West condemns Russia for recognizing the independence of the rebellious regions of Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. I'm sure all those condemnations really hurt Russia. Apparently western leaders have forgotten what every schoolchild knows: sticks and stones can break my bones, but condemnation from western leaders can never hurt me. I bet Putin and Medvedev are laughing their asses off at western impotence and incompetence as they plot to take Ukraine next.

I'm going to try and watch Hillary's speech tonight because the division of the Democrats is entertaining. This is like watching people fight over which poison they all should drink. The new McCain ad sounds great. They're keeping protesters a mile away? That seems excessive. What is politics without protesters?

Apparently Obama is very scared of his connection to Ayers being exposed. It sounds like Obama is saying that since Ayers's terrorism happened in the '60s (and the '70s, but Obama doesn't mention that) it doesn't matter. The newly released records show that Obama and Ayers often worked together. We already know that Obama launched his state senate campaign at Ayers house. So much for Obama's claims, "he's just a guy who lives in my neighborhood." Obama worked with a terrorist and that terrorist helped launch his political career. This is explosive and should instantly disqualify Obama for president (as should many other things that haven't.)

Great essay by Michael Barone explains that Bill Ayers was accepted into Chicago high society because he's the son of a major political mover and shaker in Chicago, and in Chicago nepotism reigns supreme. He also explains that it's one thing for Chicago high society to embrace an unrepentant terrorist because he's the favored son of a powerful family, but its quite another for an outsider like Barack Obama to come into Chicago and seek out the patronage of an unrepentant terrorist. Fortunately for Obama, his wife Michelle had enough connections to the Chicago power structure, including Rev. Wright, to get Obama the outsider accepted into their shockingly corrupt political system.

Another dangerously radical associate of Obama's has come to light, and this time it's a radical Muslim who helped Obama get into Harvard. Obama has spent his entire life courting and surrounding himself with dangerous extremists, yet he wants us to believe he's some kind of moderate uniter. Obama gets scarier by the day.
Nancy Pelosi came right out and said that she wants oil companies to pay royalties to the Imperial Congress to extract oil. Royalties. In the old days, when the king granted land to his vassals, he would demand a royalty for any minerals discovered on that land. It's called royalty for a reason.Thomas Jefferson championed the idea that free Americans, like the shareholders of the oil companies, should never have to pay a royalty because there was no king in America. Nancy Pelosi's Imperial Congress is the new king, freedom be damned, demanding royalties of Americans who own the oil companies. That cost would be passed on to the consumer as a hidden tax.

Pelosi also took on the Catholic bishops over abortion this weekend. Good timing. I'm sure Obama appreciates everything she's doing to help him.

Study suggests neanderthals may have been as smart as modern humans.

I didn't need the Farmer's Almanac to tell me this was going to be a cold winter.

I don't think that data showing average income rose steadily between 2003 and 2006 can be used to claim average income is rising today.

Among other random thoughts, Thomas Sowell says, "Right after liberal Democrats, the most dangerous politicians are country club Republicans." Thank you. Is there another kind of Republican other than Ron Paul?

You can never get enough horror stories about socialized medicine. Liberals seem unable to comprehend them.

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