Saturday, August 23, 2008

Free kibbles

Russia determined to keep troops in strategic Georgian port and to keep buffer zones around disputed territory. They had no intention of abiding by the ceasefire terms from the beginning. South Ossetians loot Georgian village after Russian troops force villagers out.

Bhuttos' widower, infamous for his past corruption, is the front-runner for new Pakistani president.

Obama picks Biden for Vice-president. Yawn. Maybe Biden can inform Obama there are not 57 states.

Michael Barone explains that the media typically embraces the narrative of the Democrat candidate at the convention with no questions asked while it typically tries to poke holes in the Republican narrative. He expects the same for Obama. Don't we all.

Sophomoric infighting continues to plague the Democrats as Obama sent a 3am text message to needle Hillary because she wasn't his VP pick. And McCain is running around pointing a finger like an elementary school tattle-tale. Political aristocrats don't have to live in the real, adult world, and it's all a game to them. Our lives don't matter. Our country doesn't matter. For aristocrats, it's about using people like pawn in their personal chess games. It's like Obama's absolute lack of compassion for his half brother who lives in a hut in Africa on less than a dollar a month. If Obama can use that guy as a pawn in his game, he will. These aristocrats aren't like us. We should never vote for them.

The press pass for the Democrat convention has an upside-down flag with Obama's picture on it. Stalin, Mao, and Obama are pleased. Too bad there isn't a picture.

Thomas Sowell points out the obvious - parents who homeschool their children educate them better than professional teachers in public schools. Government has failed at educating our children, and we must end the government monopoly on schools.

Obama declared that the number of abortions is rising, when in fact, the number of abortions are falling. It was either ignorance or an outright lie. I'll bet the latter.

How Obama used standard political tricks to eliminate the competition in his first run for office in 1996.

Liberals have put out a video condemning corporal punishment in schools as if it was Abu Ghraib. Give me a break. If the students did something to deserve swats, then they deserve the humiliation.

Charles Krauthammer details NATO weakness on Russia's invasion of Georgia.

McCain's principle foreign policy advisor is effectively on the payroll of Georgia's government - a lobbyist to get the US to bring Georgia into NATO. And Bush, McCain, and Obama all support bringing Georgia into NATO. Hello? How many divisions, fighter planes, submarines are they going to bring to the defense of the US? Bringing Georgia into NATO is lunacy for NATO but sweet, sweet love for Georgia. Our expansion of NATO into eastern Europe is the same.

University of Chicago claims to plan to release documents linking Obama to Bill Ayers from their work at the Chicago Annenburg Challenge on Tuesday. The problem is, those documents are supposed to be released already, but the library hid them from the public. I'm sure that only select portions, those that don't expose the links between Obama and Ayers, will be released. Some info on the original cover-up.

I don't know who Luiza Savage (obviously a liberal) is, but I'm happy to see somebody else recognize what's so obvious that I've been saying it for years - Bush is a liberal. Other than tax cuts, the overwhelming arc of his agenda has been more similar to LBJ than to any other president. LBJ would be jealous of the success of socialism under Bush. A few years from now, when Bush's legacy can be evaluated a little more honestly by history than liberals can do now, Bush will stand with LBJ, FDR, and Wilson as the 4 most progressive (liberal) presidents in history.

Once again Ralph Peters is right on. He explains exactly what Putin's goals were when invading Georgia. He shows how Putin set it up to happen on his timetable when the west was even more asleep at the switch than usual. And he explains why the west is such easy pickens for a dynamic leader like Putin. Victor Davis Hanson describes the myriad, confused interpretations of events in the west. Pretty accurate and therefore funny.

Analysis shows that government efforts to shore up New Orleans levy system to prevent another Katrina are just as flawed as the previous efforts that led to Katrina. To the think the federal government had the wherewithall to build sufficient levies for New Orleans is delusional. The corruption factory in Washington won't fix New Orleans' levies. At least the corruption factories in Louisiana and New Orleans have something to lose if the levies fail, so they could probably do a better job.

Great post explaining why many people don't really want freedom.

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