Sunday, November 04, 2007

We can return America to a trajectory of greatness

A description of the fall of America. All the reasons listed have one thing in common - failed government. The corruption by luxury describes the corruption of our political leaders and our welfare programs.
The United States, as today's sole superpower, has achieved an extraordinary global ascendancy. Yet it too is overstretched, corrupted by luxury, attacked by barbarians, reliant on mercenaries. It has suffered terrible setbacks in Vietnam and Iraq. It faces the challenge of a gigantic new rival. Perhaps, therefore, Americans should at least try to imagine the prospect of their nation's following the British trajectory so that they will be psychologically prepared if and when it happens. It might even be salutary to imagine Chinese tourists, a few centuries hence, taking their stand on a shattered pillar of the White House to sketch the ruins of the Capitol.
The United States does not have to be eclipsed any time soon. It's our government policies that are making it happen, and we can change them. Our highest priority must be to rein in the size and scope and therefore corruption of government, cutting it in half at least and returning all the power to Americans, freeing them to excel as they have throughout history until overburdened by government. We have to end the oppressive federal tax system that eats up half our wealth and drives businesses and wealth overseas by adopting the FairTax. We have to secure our borders. We have to remove government restrictions on developing domestic sources of energy. We have to end the crushing entitlement programs that are driving us to bankruptcy.

The way to lead the world is take care of our own house. We should end all welfare, foreign and domestic, and retake control of our own government from the 2 parties that are destroying the nation. Taking back control of our government and our country with these 5 policies will provide better security, justice, education, health, wealth, and happiness for everybody. By doing so, we can return America to a trajectory of greatness that will be the envy of the world, and the world will follow our lead.

It's no secret what made America great: free people working for their own success in an environment of severely limited government and almost no taxes. It's also no secret that in order for American to recover its trajectory of greatness we must return to that model. And it's no secret that in order to severely limit our government and dramatically reduce taxes, we must reject the power triumvirate of the 2 parties and their accomplice press.

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