Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Moral Relativism and the Hate-America Left

Moral Relativism and the Hate-America Left

by Mark Luedtke

What right does the US have to tell Iran it cannot develop a nuclear weapon?

I can't imagine anybody asking that question 50 years ago because it presupposes some non-existent moral equivalence between the United States and Iran. Americans knew better then. That mainstream Americans would entertain that question today illustrates how successfully a tiny but powerful minority of Americans, the far left segment that promotes an ideology of hate against America, American exceptionalism, and traditional American values, has managed to infiltrate and undermine our entire country.

I could praise America's great accomplishments: leading the way in the abolition of slavery around the world, turning the tide against the fascists in World War II, defeating the Soviet Union, the most evil and dangerous empire in history, freeing more people than any nation in history, wiping out diseases, leading the world into a century of unprecedented health, prosperity, cleanliness and happiness, and much more. Because of traditional American values and achievements, the United States is unquestionably the greatest force for good humanity has ever known. No other nation in history comes close.

I could describe the abominations of the Iranian regime: virtually enslaving their population with Soviet-style government, supporting stoning and flogging of women, executing homosexuals, piracy, funding Hezbollah and Hamas to export Islamic fascism by committing terrorist attacks, arming Iraqi militias and the Taliban as another means of exporting Islamic fascism, and much more. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proudly declares his desire to annihilate Israel weekly, and a nuclear weapon would empower him to execute his insane dream. The Iranian government is an illegitimate regime focused on projecting its totalitarian designs on the rest of the world.

We demand the rogue regime in Iran not build a nuclear weapon because it's the right thing to do. We earned that role. But moral relativism is an effective tool of the hate-America left, and dedicating an entire essay to contrasting the US and Iran would provide an illusion of moral equivalence where none exists. Better to examine this powerful anti-American movement.

Another effective tool of the anti-American left is their influence in the mainstream media. US troops hadn't been in Afghanistan a week before writers and editors began asking if we were in a “quagmire” in Afghanistan and comparing our “occupation” of Afghanistan to the Soviet occupation. These authors knew there was no moral or tactical equivalence between the US invasion of Afghanistan and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, but by blurring the distinction between a US invasion in response to 9/11 and the invasion by the evil Soviet empire, they manipulated public opinion against the US.

They had successfully planted the seeds that Bush's use of America's military was somehow morally relative to Soviet expansionism. When the nation decided to invade Iraq, and Bush's rebuilding plan failed, the anti-American left cultivated those seeds into a larger, vocal minority that has worked tirelessly to defeat their own country. The general idea is that America is so depraved and Bush so evil, we deserve to lose the war.

Because of their financial resources, this fringe liberal movement owns the Democrat party. For 4 years, President Bush failed to provide a plan for victory in Iraq demanded by the majority of Americans, and voters reinforced that demand to George Bush in 2006. Whether you were for or against the war before we invaded, nobody who loves their country wants to see it defeated. But the hate-America left misrepresented voters' message as a call for defeat and mobilized their Democrats to try and defeat us. Just as they did in Vietnam, they tried to invalidate the accomplishments and sacrifice of our servicemen and leave Iraq unprotected from ethnic cleansing just to damage America.

This tiny minority doesn't restrict itself to anti-war activities. This same movement loved Uncle Joe Stalin, falsified reports to make Stalin appear benevolent, helped infiltrate the US government with a network of Soviet spies, and helped steal nuclear weapons for the Soviets. They support Soviet-style totalitarianism to punish personal success and force imaginary egalitarianism. To that end, they have used every opportunity to promote Marxist policies in the US, and their success should scare every one of us. Now they're exploiting the anthropomorphic global warming fraud in their boldest and potentially most damaging gambit yet.

From entitlements that are bankrupting the nation, to government schools that are indoctrinating our children in socialist values instead of teaching them reading, writing, arithmetic, history and critical thinking, to welfare programs that undermine our work ethic, punish individual achievement, and buy votes from the dependent, to socialized medicine programs that drive up costs and undermine our health, to class warfare, to illegal immigration and multi-culturalism, to the income tax and titanic spending that's poised us on a precipice between a recession and a plummeting dollar, the hate-America left's Marxist policies are taking us down while China's free market reforms launch it on a trajectory to surpass us as a superpower in a few, short years.

To remain the greatest nation the world has ever seen we have to free Americans by severely limiting the size and scope of government to Constitutional limits, adopt the FairTax, and dramatically reduce spending and taxes at all levels of government. Rejecting moral relativism and Marxist policies and embracing traditional American values and powerful reform will return America to a trajectory of greatness.

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