Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Free kibbles

Supreme Court agrees to hear Washington gun control case. In a sane world, we'd get a unanimous decision in favor of the natural right of the individual to keep and bear arms enumerated in the 2nd Amendment. We don't live in a sane world, so we can only hope.

The only people surprised that China hasn't explained why it shot down that satellite are people who have deluded themselves into thinking that the Communists in China are doing something other than waging a new Cold War of Terror against the west. We need to slap our leaders out of that delusion and adopt policies to win this new Cold War before it becomes a hot war.

The popular author Orson Scott Card tells the true story of IPCC scientists who intentionally lied to falsely promote their ideology of anthropomorphic global warming, others who intentionally looked the other way, and the accomplice press who also intentionally looks the other way. He makes a point to show that these liberal leaders are doing exactly what they accuse the Bush of administration of having done in the run up to the Iraq war. He makes only tiny note that human produced CO2 has an negligible impact on the greenhouse effect, but it does make trees and plants grow because it's a natural plant food.

Article claims that the military is demanding wounded soldiers return their sign up bonus. If true, this is abominable. Who in the world would have authorized such a thing?

Dollar at record low again. Oil back up to $98 again.

Britain is caught subsidizing the Iranian government to the tune of $668 million on the one hand while calling for stronger sanctions on the other. Thanks, pals.

Standing firm against strikers, French President Sarkozy urges them to go back to work and reiterates his commitment to reform.

The State Dept. is astonished that a Saudi court upheld the sentence of lashing against a woman who was gang raped. This is because the State Dept is deluded about Saudi Arabian society. Big-government has enabled these kind of delusional people to keep their jobs.

US tries to set up Middle East peace talks. I understand that since we're the world's superpower, we should try to broker peace, but we also have the responsibility ask if our efforts are hurting the peace process. As long as the international community turns a blind eye to Palestinian terrorists attacking Israel on a daily basis, but keep Israel from defending itself, there will be no peace. We have managed to split the terrorists and pull one faction towards the political process, so that's progress.

It's a sad commentary on our society that people in Boston may be intimidated into or may not understand the consequences of allowing police to search their homes. This is a result of big-government.

British tax collection agency loses 2 CDs with personal information of 25 million people. Why are they putting that kind of information on CDs?

Cato suggests how to increase kidney donation with incentives for donors.

Cato explains that hurricanes' destruction of trees has been a natural event since trees evolved. There is no need for alarmism about the changes to the natural environment from hurricanes, even those as destructive as Katrina. People who think any change in the environment is bad just aren't thinking straight. The environment changes. It always has. It always will. It's our job to adapt, and that means growing our wealth to the best of our ability so we're better able to adapt.

Reason interviews recently pardoned paraplegic who was sentenced to 25 years for treating his pain. This is another victim of the counterproductive war on drugs.

Obama talks about his past drug use.

What a surprise. Hillary Clinton is using global warming as an excuse for socialist energy policies.

Dem. Gov. Tom Vilsack admits that the Democrats new SCHIP plan is really an attempt to socialize medicine. He says they're trying to squeeze out the middle by expanding it for senior and children on the way to full socialized medicine. We all knew this already, but I'm surprised to see a Democrat admit it.

Rove suggests Republican presidential candidates distance themselves from Bush. Absolutely they should. Republicans must pick up the mantle of reform because Hillary is nothing big-government socialist. Unfortunately, Ron Paul in the only Republican advocating change.

Ron Paul devote arrested for making illegal Ron Paul currency? What is illegal Ron Paul currency? If it's got Ron Paul's likeness on it, it's obviously not an attempt to counterfeit.

Fantastic Mike Huckabee ad with Chuck Norris.

Human skin cells reprogrammed into stem cells. The left will no longer be able to use stem cell research as an excuse for abortions.

Is medicine's position on eating fat, exercise, and obesity scientific? I think doctors are vulnerable to ideology just like everybody else.

I'm skeptical of this study linking WI-FI to autism, mainly because of the politicization of autism. I don't doubt that there are many unknown consequences to wireless communication, but this warrants heavy skepticism.

Free websites and amateurs are putting porn manufacturers out of business. Free porn for everybody!

Muslims walk off the job demanding paid prayer time. Can you imagine when they unionize?

Mark Steyn must be reading my blog. He reminds us why the entire world should be thankful for America.

John Kerry takes up billionaire on challenge to prove the Swift Boat vets wrong. If Kerry had released his documents, and they backed up his story, why isn't this issue over? Something is missing in this report.

Because of socialized medicine in Ireland, inexperienced staff mistakenly gives all clear to 7 women with breast cancer.

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