Saturday, November 10, 2007

Free kibbles

Cops expose themselves as violent, racist, elitists on bulletin boards. I also hear this kind of talk between cops in the courthouse. I'm afraid this is the norm, not the exception. These are the same people liberals want to surrender our health care to.

Critics claim racial profiling for LAPD plan to map Muslim communities. Maybe those critics missed the common denominator in 99.9% of all terrorist attacks in the last 20 years - radical Islam.

Congress steps up it's attacks on smokers.

Because government and insurance companies are so intertwined, insurance companies can get away with dropping coverage in the middle of treatments because government protects them. The more government gets involved in health care, the worse this type of problem, health care rationing, will get. If we had a free market health care and health insurance with unfettered competition, no insurance company could do this and survive.

Talk about blowback: high oil prices cause the greatest global shift in wealth in history. That's our personal wealth out of our wallets and US and western wealth moving to tyrants in Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. How do you think that's going to work out for us? And we wonder why we can't win the War on Terror.

If we drilled in Anwar and expanded offshore drilling, we could keep a lot of that wealth in the US, and oil prices would drop because of increased supply. If we built natural gas, nuclear and clean coal plants, even more of that wealth would stay in the US, and oil prices would drop further because of reduced demand. Even the proposed wind farm off of Martha's Vineyard would create a tiny drop in demand for oil. Why in the world do we allow liberals to block all these policies and projects that benefit all Americans? What won't work is subsidizing expensive alternative energy sources. We have plenty of cheap energy resources at our fingertips if government would stop blocking us from developing them. Severely limited government is the solution to stopping insane activists from using big government to damage the country.

It's stupid that this isn't one of the hottest issues in the Presidential campaign. Republicans must make Democrats publicly and prominently defend their position blocking domestic energy production on the basis of convenience of caribou and fish. Maybe we can get an honest global warming debate going in 2008, but Republicans better not cave on the issue, or the civilized world is screwed.

Democrats revolt against Pelosi's attempt to force defeat on American on Veteran's Day. That woman is brainless.

Iran to flog women's rights activist as part of her conviction for advocating women's rights.

China halts export of toy coated with GHB. How did this happen in the first place? I have no confidence in a Chinese investigation.

Sunni fighters
attack al Qaeda compound. I hope they are working under some government authority. Independent militias, even if they attack al Qaeda, are bad for the future of Iraq.

2007 is the most deadly year for American troops in Afghanistan. This shows we failed to provide security in Afghanistan just like we failed to do so in Iraq. This is poor strategy by Bush and military leaders.

Hugo Chavez is transforming Venezuela into an international crime haven.

Anger because Coast Guard delayed reporting the extent of San Francisco oil spill for 4 hours. That was a mistake, but politicians are blowing out of proportion.

I have no problem with rewarding NASA personnel with parties after a shuttle launch. The pressure for those launches has to be crazy, and you have to provide incentives to keep the best people on the job.

Senator gloats about bringing $12 billion in pork to Louisiana. Since Senators are elected at large, they get to gloat about Congressional pork too.

Clinton has meeting attendees ask planted questions. Somehow I doubt liberals will be as upset about this as they were about the FEMA plants.

Democrats are nervous about 2008 for good reason: America doesn't want their devastating socialist policies and even more crushing taxes.

Yellowstone caldera rising as magma chamber fills.

Mark Steyn thinks a return to a corrupt Bhutto regime in Pakistan will drive its military and intelligence services to favor al Qaeda and the Taliban. If Pakistan is like Iran, then we shouldn't repeat the same mistake we made in Iran by abandoning the Shah to the radicals.

Interesting analysis of how Bush's policies are failing in the War on Terror. He props up leaders who are better served by keeping terror alive simply because they know Bush will then keep supporting them. We need a comprehensive plan that includes directly reaching other Arab leaders and the Arab people who share our anti-terror and pro-freedom goals.

Dick Morris says that every time Bill Clinton speaks on Hillary's behalf, it makes her look weak.

Michelle Malkin explains that when the media sets up stings, the sting itself has an inherent bias.

How Democrats try to discredit supply side economics, i.e. tax cuts, despite all the evidence for their effectiveness.

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