Friday, November 09, 2007

Free kibbles

Pentagon blocks Congressional testimony of Marine prosecutor, not judge, who had learned harsh interrogation methods had been used to get information being used in the trial. The president has the responsibility to use harsh interrogation methods and waterboarding to gain intelligence to save lives, but that information can't be used in a court.

Gov. Schwartzenegger vetoes three bills that would have helped innocent people keep from being convicted.

Bernanke reports that the economy will get worse before it gets better. Duh. Our government has been undermining our economy for nearly a century and the damage is finally more than the American people can overcome. The Fed is stuck between a recession and a plummeting dollar. Greenspan saw the writing on the wall and retired. Retail sales at 12 year low. Dollar at new record low. The consolation prize is that exports are up because of the plummeting dollar.

Pakistani President Musharraf puts opposition leader Bhutto under house arrest.

US releases 9 of 20 Iranian captives in Iraq.

Iraqis accused Muqtada al Sadr's Mahdi army of a reign of terror in a public meeting. It looks like the Iraqi people have turned on al Sadr too.

Another democrat tries to pretend there are differences between Republicans and Democrats by calling Bush a king and saying he's rolled back civil rights to the Middle Ages. What a crock.

Does Kerik's indictment really reflect on Giuliani?

Joe Lieberman says that Democrats are beholden to politically paranoid liberal (loony left) base. Everybody knows that, but it's good to have Lieberman say it publicly.

Ron Paul's supporters are driving his campaign.

Using animal brains to control robots.

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