Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Free kibbles

Ever further destroying families by usurping the role of parents, Mass. considers a spanking ban. Government won't be happy until every child but the children of representatives, CEOs and celebrities, is born in a test tube and indoctrinated from birth in government children's homes.

College requires students carry GPS cell phones. Why would anybody put up with that? Time to transfer schools.

Hezbollah prepared to attack Britain if the US bombs Iran. If true, and it probably is, it just shows that we're losing the war on terror. The UK, and US to a lesser degree, is allowing terrorists to set up shop for future attacks. The solution is to shut down extremists mosques, deport the extremists, and stop new extremists from coming here. Peaceful Muslims need to lead the way.

French rioters injure over 80 policemen. Sarkozy returning from China to address the riots.

Officers overuse tasers. They should only be used when the last alternative is to fire their gun.

Iran claims to have manufactured a new missile that can reach Israel. Invites Palestinian militants to Iran to counter the Middle East peace conference in Annapolis. A terrorist summit in Iran. Maybe bin Laden will show. This works in the hawks' favor.

Sudan violence spilling over into Chad.

Zimbabwe President Mugabe has banned pay raises and price increases. This guy is destroying is country even faster than Hugo Chavez.

A new environmental movement must take into account poverty, industry, jobs, economy, technology, etc. This should always have been the case. Case in point: limited water resources prompts Orange County to recycle waste water. The reason the environmental movement doesn't do this already is because the radicals that drive the movement hate people and civilization. They're more interested in punishing people than in solving environmental problems for the benefit of everybody. A sign of hope - Americans yawn at global warming.

Saudi gang rape victim, imprisoned and beaten 200 times, tells her story. In mean time, Saudis release 1,500 terrorists because they repented.

Reason explains that Democrats used to be classic liberals, today called libertarians.

Arab bank bails out Citigroup by buying big stake. This is indicative of the transfer of wealth from the US to oil-rich countries. Oil-rich Arab countries are bailing out US companies with our wealth that we gave them because we have failed to develop cheap energy alternatives like nuclear power, clean coal, and natural gas and failed to drill for our own oil in America. How stupid are we?

UK paper describes dirty American politics.

Kennedy gets book deal with signing bonus that dwarfs Hillary Clinton's $8 million, which she got while she was in the Senate. Remember when Democrats forced Newt Gingrich out because he took a $4 million advance on a book deal? Another great example of the Washington double standard.

Bill Richardson says that decreasing casualties in Iraq mean nothing. I guess he thinks that the lives of those people saved mean nothing. I guess he thinks that our troops efforts mean nothing. That's the way Democrats support the troops.

Dick Morris exposes that Hillary Clinton hides her private investigator expenses, which she uses to dig up dirt on her opponents, in her legal expenses. Now that she's losing steam, she'll use that info to attack Obama and possibly Edwards.

Newt Gingrich predicts big Obama win in Iowa.

6 Republican Senators and 17 Congressmen to retire. That's 23 out of 535 representatives. Hopefully some Democrats will retire too. Like Reid and Pelosi. If we can just get rid of the other 512 incumbents and replace them with third party representatives, we can take our government back for freedom for the people.

New Japanese robot can serve food and help humans out of bed. This shows the technological advances in robots, and because of Japan's rapidly falling population, the market is for robots to assist the elderly. Europe is importing Muslims, but they're unlikely to do this kind of work for aging Europeans.

Weather delay prompts NFL to skip pregame ceremonies, including national anthem. This isn't a big deal.

Google plans service to host user data. This is the wave of the future. We don't need computers per se, we need seemless access to our data from anywhere in the world. The accessing box is a commodity. It's the data that's valuable. That's the model Google is pursuing.

Cato thinks the court should review cases of Guantanamo prisoners. Did the court review the cases of all the prisoners we held in WWII? Korea? Vietnam? Of course not. This is no different. We probably mistakenly held some wrong people in those wars too. We're not perfect. Winning is the priority.

Cato's tax reform plan is not nearly as good as the FairTax. A 15% income tax on businesses would still put US made goods and services at a penalty compared foreign made goods and services. Why would we do that?

Cato explains how federal subsidies for transportation lead to wasteful projects. Federal subsidies are poison, like all federal funds, because of the constraints that come with the money.

Boorts responds to flawed FairTax critique.

Britain is committing cultural suicide. In London 40% of primary school students speak a language other than English at home. That's too many immigrants for a culture to survive. They'll never be able to assimilate them at that rate.

I'm surprised the US is at the top of the global competitiveness report.

Thomas Sowell explodes the myth of the perpetual top 1%.

Germans understand that depressed Americans are starting to resemble Germans. Nothing against Germans (my heritage), but no thank you. But depression alone doesn't explain our malaise. Our government takes more freedom year after year. Our financial doom looms closer year after year. The corruption of our government increases year after year. The 2 parties increase artificial divisions in our country year after year. And we show no signs of stopping the madness. We have no room for phony optimism.

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