Friday, January 30, 2009

Free kibbles

Obama showed his Marxist stripes yesterday when he went on a rant against corporate bonuses. Obama thinks he's the guy who should determine when companies profit and when they don't and when companies get bonuses and when they don't. We elected a guy who spent his entire adult life seeking out and surrounding himself with Marxists, partnering with Marxists, teaching and working with Marxist organizations, and now that he's in the White House he's talking and acting like a Marxist. What a surprise. What's shameful here isn't the bonuses - corporations have to do what's best for their shareholders - period, and government has no business sticking its nose in it. And what a joke, calling the people who asked for a bailout shameful. When dangling free money in front of corporations and special interests, of course they're going to ask for it. Government has all the power. The corporations and special interests are just beggars. What's shameful is government taking money from tax payers by force and giving it to politically connected companies, including using force to purchase shares in banks who didn't want any money, and special interests.

Unlike Boortz, I'm not outraged that the Dem. head of the Senate Appropriations Committee funneled $2.25 billion to his son's lobbying client, the National Park Service. This is the primary function of our government. It's a favor factory. A corruption factory. A nepotism factory. Our aristocrats have no interest in the people, only in themselves and their families. I'm no more outraged at this one instance of nepotism than I am at the thousands that occurred last year, or the 10s of thousands in the last decade. It's like being outraged that a leopard has spots.

But Boortz misses the more interesting fact in this case. The National Park Service is a government bureaucracy. Government bureaucracies are hiring lobbyists to lobby for more money from Congress. We caught a hint of that when we found out Fannie and Freddie, government sponsored entities, had lobbyists and donated huge amounts of money to Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. Why do we allow government to use our tax dollars to lobby itself for more money and to buy favors from our representatives?

Obama signs more executive orders limiting the freedom of Americans by limiting the options of federal contractors regarding labor unions. Obama's governing philosophy is to use government force to empower supporters of his radical leftist policies at every opportunity. Contrary to this article, taking away freedom from contractors does not help the middle class. It hurts it.

Zimbabwe opposition party agrees to coalition government. This isn't the first time this has been reported, and Mugabe sabotaged it, so I'm not holding my breath. Zimbabwe abandons price controls and its currency that was destroyed by the government. Meanwhile in America, Ben Bernanke continues to destroy US currency and Barack Obama calls for wage and profit controls. Ohio governor Strickland calls for price controls on college educations. Guess which country is going in the right direction.

Boortz explains that Obama's stimulus boondoggle creates a new welfare entitlement. Supposedly the provision allowing illegal immigrants to capitalize on this welfare program has been removed.

The founder of the Weather Channel explains the history of the great global warming scam. Concise essay with all the relevant history in one place. Everybody in this history is trying to make money off the scam.

Obama and his fellow Marxists, empowered by the Bush, Paulson, Bernanke, Dodd, Frank, Obama, McCain, Clinton $700 billion bailout attack on freedom, are casually discussing whether to grab $1 or $2 trillion more to save troubled banks since the original $700 billion didn't help. TARP was madness. TARP2 is madness squared. Republicans put up only weak resistance to the original TARP. They'll probably unify against this plan like they did against Obama's stimulus boondoggle. But it won't matter. Bush's big government Republicans opened the barn door and the radical Democrats stampeded into power. This is like living in a horror movie. Our government, empowered by both conservatives and liberals, is taking our country down in flames.

Obama's boondoggle stimulus plan calls for not less than $140 million for climate modeling. There are no unemployed climate modelers, so they don't need stimulus, but what does Obama care about stimulus? Do you want to bet that any of that climate modeling will be accurate?

The FBI has known all along that the Council on American-Islamic Relations was linked with Hamas, so why are they just cutting off ties after 5 years? Maybe Obama got this one right, but I doubt it was him.

Child welfare program leads to easy money for con men? Who would have ever guessed?

Here's another great program from the Netherlands, a county liberals want to use as a model for transforming the US - forced sterilization of women. Hey, if you're fit to raise children, you have nothing to worry about, right?

Mises scholar explains why Keynesian economics is good for the aristocrats and bad for the rest of us. Washington is still a boomtown, no doubt as is Columbus and every other big government state capital.

Looong article spelling out the Misesian case against Keynes. Too long for me to read right now.

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