Sunday, January 25, 2009

Free kibbles

Sri Lanken forces capture last Tamil Tiger rebel stronghold. Congratulations to the people of Sri Lanka. This should remind everybody in the world there is no substitute for victory.

Ethiopia pulls out of Somalia to be replaced by UN peace keepers. Look for the resurgence of al Qaeda in Somali.

Penguin won't go in the water. This is one of nature's rare exceptions to its rules, but it doesn't invalidate the rule that penguins are water birds. I doubt we'll see anti-swimming activists trying to use this example to say it's perfectly natural for penguins to avoid the water. There's no more universal rule in nature than heterosexual sex which created every complex life form on the planet and has done so for 600 million years.

Obama plans fast action restricting the business options of financial firms, limiting the ability of our financial markets to recover.

Iceland's prime minister and minister of commerce resign because of financial crisis. If only we could get the Republicans and Democrats who teamed up to cause the problem to resign. At least Paulson and Greenspan are gone. Now we need to get rid of Bernanke, Dodd, and Frank - to start.

Hamas has gained credibility by surviving the Israeli assault. I would like to know the real reason Israel pulled back. It certainly wasn't because they'd achieved their goals like they said.

Displaying his hubris and lack of intelligence, Obama invites Republicans to dinner then tells them to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. That's a pointed insult to Republicans, accusing them of not thinking for themselves, it elevates Rush Limbaugh, and hints of censorship. Obama's gaffes during the campaign made Dan Quayle look smart by comparison. The evidence that Obama isn't very smart continues to grow. Anybody who thought the most radical leftist president in history was going to be bipartisan is an idiot. Obama partnered with Bill Ayers. He spent his entire life surrounding himself with Marxists. He's a student of Saul Alinsky taught Alinsky's techniques at the University of Chicago. He worked for and trained ACORN. He had a radical Muslim with terrorist ties write a letter recommendation to Harvard on his behalf and befriended a Hamas spokesman. It's not possible for somebody this dangerously radical to suddenly become bipartisan. What really wants is for the critics to just leave him alone while he transforms American into his personal vision of a socialist utopia. It ain't going to happen.

61 of the Guantanamo detainees that liberals pressured us into releasing have returned to terrorism so far. Now Obama has ordered the prison where we held them closed. 2 former Guantanamo inmates make new al Qaeda video. Capitalizing on Obama's dangerous weakness, al Qaeda ramps up anti-Obama rhetoric. They're going to hit us soon. Thanks liberals. Maybe you can work with your buddy Obama and Bill Ayers and bomb America yourselves instead of just freeing terrorists to attack us again. At the very least liberals should volunteer to keep the terrorists in their own homes. Murtha took the first step.

The aristocrats have sucked another corporation into their corrupt game of political favors. Google to capitalize on its powerful support for Obama to stifle competition. Just 3 years ago, Google didn't even have a lobbying arm. With Obama's inauguration, it becomes one of Washington's power players. I'm sure Obama will handsomely reward Google.

Severe winter in Europe leads to shortages of some crops. Snow falls in United Arab Emirates for only second time in history. This is what we can expect from the coming cool period due to sun and earth's natural climate cycles. In the mean time, Obama has nominated a socialist to push his global warming agenda. But who are we to complain? We elected him. We are our own worst enemies.

Woman prosecuted under Patriot Act for spanking her kids on an airplane. She should be given a medal. She subsequently lost her children. 200 people have been convicted for similar non-offenses. Hopefully Obama will repeal the oppressive parts of that law, but I doubt it. Freedom, except for terrorists, is not on his agenda.

CNN lays the groundwork to call Obama critics racists. They ask if Obama will have to be better than a white president because he's black. As time passes, the press will distract the people from the substance of every issue by either hinting or outright calling Obama's critics racists. They will not allow Obama to be judged on his merits. Rush Limbaugh will be target #1.

Apparently the Bush administration doesn't have a nice complete set of files on all the Guantanamo detainees. That's ridiculus. They're telling us these are the deadliest of the deadliest of terrorists, but they have no system for documenting it? At best, that's really stupid. Why doesn't the Pentagon have such files? Or the CIA? This highlights how broken our government is - that different bureaucracies refuse to share information. I can fully understand why Obama wants to review the file of every individual held in Guantanamo. It's good to get a fresh perspective on whether or not certain individuals should be held. But ordering the prison closed before any review was done was even more stupid.

A constitutional amendment blocking governors from appointing Senators is an overreaction to Blagojevich's scandal. The better solution is to quit electing corrupt politicians, which means quit electing Republicans and Democrats. You know, if we repealed the 17th amendment, it wouldn't be an issue.

More on Obama's unprecedented centralization of power in the White House. Liberals complained about Bush increasing the power of the presidency, but they're not complaining about Obama doing far more. I have no idea how liberals rationalize their cartoonish double standards. That level of self-delusion has got to be a mental illness.

John Stossel proposes that we're not in a financial crisis at all - just a recession.

Tiny country bans tobacco.

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