Sunday, January 18, 2009

Free kibbles

McCain tells his cohorts that he would have made many of the same appointments Obama made. What's funny is that he thinks this is a good thing. Why do we bother with the charade we have a 2 party system? Obama and McCain were very similar and both were similar to Bush. The 2 parties always say they have far more in common than their differences. That's quite the understatement and it explains the the problem. The 2 parties use phony partisanship to divide the country and keep each other in power. Our choices are always between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dumber, and yet we reelect the same 2 parties to power with 98 percent of the vote or more every election. We deserve the government we have. We empower it. We support it. We're being crushed by it.

After Israel declares a unilateral cease fire, Hamas agrees to one week cease fire as well. If I was Israel, I wouldn't trust Egypt or the US to stop weapons smuggling into Gaza. They haven't stopped it before, why would they stop it now? Olmert is putting the best spin on it he can, but Hamas can still fire rockets. I don't know how he can consider that a success.

Sri Lanka claims it has surrounded Tamil Tiger rebels and is on the verge of defeating them.

Obama the Socialist wants to create a government owned bank. We have enough problems with government interventions in the market and central banks already, let alone owning one to purchase bad assets. Treasury dumped the bad asset purchase plan before because the bad assets couldn't be identified and no price could be put on them. That hasn't changed.

Obama the Socialist says anything is possible. The implication is anything is possible if we give Obama enough power. That's scary. Sounds too much like Mao and Lenin for my taste.

Law banning children from locations with a risk of lead poisoning could ban children from libraries with certain books because the ink contains lead.

Ban alert: Dallas suburb bans parking overnight in front of somebody else's house.

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