Friday, January 09, 2009

Free kibbles

Unemployment hits 7.2 percent. That's because Bush is saving the free market by massive interventions. That trust fund baby wouldn't know a free market if he lived in one.

Israel continues assault on Gaza.

Boortz is a little slow, but he's finally realizing that Obama's stimulus boondoggle is nothing but his attempt to use the crisis as an excuse to implement all his radical leftist programs. Radical leftists win. Americans lose.

Unfortunately, Louis Gohmert's tax holiday, though morally superior to Obama's trashing of our way of life, won't stimulate the economy either. It's another one time tax gimmick. Short term tax credits and other temporary gimmicks don't change people's behavior. Businesses won't hire new workers if they know their tax credit will disappear in 5 months. Don't get me wrong. Allowing Americans (it grates on me to even have to say that) to keep their own money is far superior to Obama's stimulus boondoggle, but real stimulus comes from real tax and spending cuts that will permanently change the way people spend, save and invest in our economy.

Democrats have long been masters at Orwellian use of language, but Obama is taking it to a new level by using focus groups to test his language to he can fool people into thinking his radical leftist programs are actually good for the country. Orwell would proud. The comparison to the death tax is bogus. The estate tax is a death tax. Obama's plan is not investment. It reduces investment. His plan does not cut taxes. It gives handouts and one time tax credits.

Ex-ACORN members call for federal investigation into widespread, embezzlement, fraud and conspiracy charges. As I've pointed out before, ACORN is a criminal organization, and the Justice Department should investigate it like any other organized crime organization.

Al Gore's fraudulent church of man-made global warming has created a $118 billion carbon industry. I think they mean carbon offset industry. The Justice Department should investigate Gore and his partners in crime for fraud. They are profiting off lies.

Parking meters in France send text messages to cops so they can write more tickets. Because that's what cops should spend most of their time doing. The uniformed tax collectors have entered the 21st century.

Spoilers from a preview viewing of 4 scenes of the new Star Trek movie.

Ecuador gives nature constitutional rights. The vagueness of this is amazing. This give the government complete power over the people because a tree wants to grow where your house is. But you can bet the Marxists posing as environmentalists in America will be on top of this.

Illinois House impeaches Blagojevich. Illinois Supreme Court says Blagojevich's appointment of Burris is legal without the signature of the Secretary of State. As the worm turns. Jonah Goldberg says the Democrats folded. I don't believe it. I think they played their strategy perfectly, loudly proclaiming they were agaist corruption and would never waiver then quietly allowing Burris to be seated. I bet in 6 months, 90 percent of the country will remember that Democrats stood up against Blagojevich's corruption and nothing else.

Good luck to this congresswoman getting her request for more transparency for TARP.

Dick Morris says Obama's security picks bode ill for our security.

Thomas Sowell's personal experience with memory fallibility reminds him that Libby should never have been prosecuted for having a faulty memory.

Pat Buchanan explains that tax cuts like Reagan's, JFK's, Coolidge's and Harding's stimulate the economy while radical leftist New Deals drive us into depression. Obama is following FDR's course, and it's going to be ugly.

Charles Krauthammer explains that the international community is pushing for a similar plan in Gaza as the one that's in place in south Lebanon, in which terrorists get to rearm and attack Israel with impunity because Israel can't fight back for fear of hitting useless UN peacekeepers. I don't think Israel will resist for long, and Bush isn't doing Israel any favors by joining the chorus calling for an immediate cease fire.

Paul Krugman looks up through a haze of opium fog and says Obama's stimulus isn't big enough. I want what this guy's smoking. Mises scholar agrees with Krugman that Friedman's analysis of the cause of the Great Depression was wrong. Has hell frozen over? Mises scholar looks at Milton Friedman's perspective on the Great Depression, that the Fed should have printed more money and enforced a banking holiday, and concludes that Friedman didn't support free markets in this case.

Interesting history of a debate between capitalism and Marxism in 1933. I hadn't been aware that FDR had run against government spending and deficits before tranforming into a socialist after winning. Even though the depression was a result of government interference in the markets, the press reported it as a failure of capitalism. It's just amazing how people refuse to learn from history, so history repeats itself.

Mises scholar plainly illustrates the US did not suffer a credit crunch last year as Bush, Paulson, Bernanke and copious talking heads screamed at us in panic. The data speak for themselves. All that happened was a minor, unusual occurrence. I still think Paulson, Bernanke, Dodd and Frank staged a coup right before the election in the biggest power grab in US history.

Bernanke was reportedly the guy who convinced Greenspan the money supply was undergoing a contraction in 2002, leading to the irresponsible monetary policy that created the housing bubble. Essay from Nov. 2005 calls Bernanke a noisy insane advocate for inflation. I don't know if Bernanke is dangerously insane or a real life Dr. Evil, but we can thank President "I had to destroy free markets in order to save them" Bush for Bernanke.

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