Friday, January 16, 2009

Free kibbles

Circuit City is shutting down. Best Buy is happy.

And the never ending bailout saga continues. Treasure gives $20 billion more to Bank of America - it's third bailout so far.

Boortz explains that Obama's so-called stimulus package is really just one huge pork barrel spending spree and lists many of the projects. This is like the standard so-called transportation bill the party in power passes whenever a new president takes office to pay off all their supporters, except because Obama promised so much money to so many people, this bill is well over 10 times bigger than this typical transportation bills.

Details of Geithner's failure to pay self-employment FICA and Medicare taxes show that Geithner filled out the forms to get reimbursed by the IMF for those taxes, but he never paid the taxes. That's not a mistake. That's just corruption.

Now that Obama is taking office, he changes his story and says we no longer need to kill or capture Osama bin Laden. His being holed up in a cave is fine. This guy is lying sack of crap. He'll say anything for personal gain then go back on it. I can't believe all the dupes who fell for his bull.

Keanu Reeves to star in Cowboy Bebop.

Quick summary of why Keynesian stimulus packages like Obama's boondoggle don't work.

Bush the Great Regulator is taking after his dad and Clinton the Great Regulators, who took after Carter the Great Regulator, and may set a record for midnight regulations. Both Bushes are Democrats.

Thanks to big government, Washington D.C. suburbs are now the wealthiest counties in America. Big government is sucking the wealth from the rest of the country into D.C.

This list of Bush's failures is way too short yet several times incorrect. It doesn't matter what the Court said about Guantanamo - the Court has no power to interfere in the fighting of a war. That decision was abuse of power by the Court, not the president.

Obama's Chief Justice nominee Holder says waterboarding is torture and torture is a crime. This is seriously irresponsible as it opens the door to prosecute the intelligence agents who waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and 2 other terrorists. These continued attempts to redefine torture to include such effective and benign techniques as waterboarding seriously damage our intelligence gathering apparatus. The radicals who started this movement to redefine torture intended to harm America, and since Democrats jumped on the bandwagon for political expediency (they supported the techniques originally) to attack Bush, they have been wildly successful.

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