Saturday, January 24, 2009

Free kibbles

Rumor has it that Caroline Kennedy is having an affair with the publisher of the NYTimes, and that's why she withdrew from consideration for a Senate appointment. This is just another example of what I keep saying. All these aristocrats, Democrats, Republicans and the accomplice press are in bed together both figuratively and literally, destroying America for their personal gain. Along the way, Republicans and Democrats fake animosity and the accomplice press fakes independence and lack of bias. It's a big game to them, a game they always win and we always lose.

Obama plans to grandstand in front of Congress in a State of the Union style performance even though it isn't a State of the Union address. The president grandstanding in front of Congress like this is nothing but a way to elevate the president and subordinate the Congress, and it should never happen. After Jefferson ended the practice as too monarchical in nature, Woodrow Wilson, a tyrant wannabe, revived the practice of appearing before Congress to increase his own stature. Roosevelt gave it the name State of the Union to increase his stature even further. The American people should put an end to this monarchical grandstanding.

Author brings up an excellent point about dealing with terrorists. We all know that Constititional protections are inconsistent with fighting this enemy, but what if Obama and Democrats change the Constitution protections to allow us to deal with them. Using standard Democrat demagoguery, they could claim they're following the rule of law (Bush also followed the rule of law during war) to drum up support, but those weakened Constitutional protections would apply to all of us as well as terrorists. We've debated the danger of treating terrorists like criminals - empowering terrorists, but we have not the debated the danger of treating criminals like terrorists - a police state - which might be the goal of the Obama administration. This is an excellent article explaining why military detention and tribunals by any other name - the legal framework for which has existed for centuries - are the only reasonable way to deal with terrorists. It's just absurd to have federal judges reviewing the actions of our troops.

Congressmen interfere with regulators for political gain. Duh. This is the nature of government and illustrates why concentrating power in the hands of a few is so dangerous. But that won't stop liberals for calling for more corruption - I mean more regulation. Barney Frank, the guy who protected Fannie and Freddie from regulation while his lover worked there, promoted the subprime crisis and who wrote much of the TARP legislation, is interfering with regulators for political gain too.

The Marines have been trying to get out of Iraq for a while. They feel they are being used as army forces, not their marine specialties. I'm all for transferring them to Afghanistan as quickly as possible without endangering Iraq.

US intercepts Iranian ship carrying weapons to Syria, most likely ultimately to arm Hezbollah. Even though international law prohibits Iran from shipping weapons, there's no enforcement in the law, so the US allows the shipment to continue. You have to be kidding me.

John Boehner lists 12 important facts that the media won't tell you about the Democrats' phony $825 billion stimulus boondoggle. Congressman provides scary insight in the mentality behind Obama's stimulus boondoggle - get the money to the people with best lobbying campaigns ASAP.

Mises scholar and Lincoln historian eviscerates the legend of Lincoln. Wow.

Radley Balko exposes the tremendous costs of the war on drugs?

In a big boost to the free media crowd, Monty Python's DVD sales skyrocket after the material appears on YouTube.

It never ceases to amaze me how liberals attack conservatives with such classless ferocity, then claim that conservative are intolerant. Democrats are mean and divisive in their attacks on Republicans, then they turn around and demand Republicans work with them. Bush held out an olive branch to Democrats for 8 years, and the Democrats spit on him and called him names, but they call Bush divisive. It's ridiculous.

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