Monday, January 19, 2009

Free kibbles

As excited as I am for black Americans - I'll never understand how they feel about Barack Obama's inauguration - this flag with Obama's picture on it is not cool. Our flag should remain inviolate. I'm sure many people will call this innocent, but it's dangerous. It smacks of a banana republic. People who elevate individuals to the stature of the entire country are more interested in the rule of men than the rule of law.

The security force for Obama's inauguration tops 40,000 people, more than NATO troops in Afghanistan. That's a ridiculous amount of security for an event with no security threat.

Some Americans are preparing for the let down after Obama's inauguration. It's inevitable. Talk about setting the bar low - Larry Summers says Obama will keep unemployment below 10 percent. But think about what that means: If government intervention in our markets drives unemployment above 10 percent, Obama will intervene even further with make-work plans that will harm the economy even more. Government intervention is a downward spiral.

Is anybody surprised that Rev. Wright is in Washington making sermons? I'm sure he's giving Obama plenty of radical advice.

That fraud Jim Henson of NASA that we pay with our tax dollars says Obama only has 4 years to save the planet. Obama would be smart make this con man unemployed.

Nancy Pelosi wants to repeal Bush's tax cuts, I assume she only means segment of the tax cuts for high earners, immediately. Pelosi knows just how to (not) stimulate the economy - tax the people who power it.

California to suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, and student grants. They should never have created those programs to begin with, then they wouldn't be in this pickel.

Our punishing tax code has driven 80 percent of the largest companies in America to sequester money in overseas tax havens. Adopt the FairTax and all that money will come back immediately.

"The number and frequency of a woman’s orgasms is directly related to her partner’s wealth." Now they tell me.

Transcript of Hayek appearance on Meet the Press from 1975. Wow. The liberals are not happy with his answers.

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