Monday, May 19, 2008

Free kibbles

Our government put us $2.5 trillion further in debt last year. Cato explains we can never tax our way out of this debt.

Taxechusetts wants to tax university endowments. Cato explains that government subsidies drive up the cost of college, not endowment managers.

Countries that don't have cluster-bombs are trying to ban them through a treaty. Treaties can't stop more advanced nations from developing and using more effective weapons.

Bin Laden is working overtime to stay relevant, attacking Arab leaders for the plight of the Palestinians. Like bin Laden cares about the Palestinians. I'm sure he hates Israel, but he doesn't give a damn about the Palestinians. Let's just capture or kill this guy and move on.

Mass graves from 1950 uncovered in South Korea. It wasn't an enlightened country at that time.

There they go again. Democrat Senator Harkin insults every person who ever served in the military voluntarily and slanders our great military families, calling them and their world-view dangerous. Not only does this show how out of touch Democrats are, but it shows a stunning lack of appreciation of history. I guess George Washington was too dangerous to be president for Harkin too. At least Harkin doesn't look down on draftees. Anybody want to take a stab at how much of the military and veteran vote McCain gets compared to Obama? How dumb do you have to be to screw up an attack on McCain for his penchant for military adventurism and turn it into an attack on every serviceman and veteran in history?

Yet another double-standard for Obama. He wants his wife to run around insulting Republicans, conservatives and America, but he thinks Republicans are not allowed to criticize her. That's crap. Obama's inexperience is showing, and poorly. He must have been able to rewrite the rules to keep himself from criticism everywhere he's ever been. The press has certainly tried to protect him, but it won't be able to protect him in the general election. All it can do is attack Republicans on his behalf. That doesn't stop the faithful from coming out in droves - 65,000 in Oregon.

Obama is telling people they have to sacrifice again. As far as Obama is concerned, our energy problem is based on our consumption, not government policies. We eat too much, we drive too much, and we keep our houses too warm. It has nothing to do with restrictions on nuclear and coal power plants and nothing to do with restrictions on drilling in ANWR and off the coasts. It has nothing to do with restrictions on refineries and with the falling dollar. Nope. As far as Obama's concerned, it's the people's fault, and the people will have to sacrifice so that government can continue sucking ever more money from our pockets and further restricting our freedom. Didn't he learn the lessons of the Carter years? It seems to me that since Democrats are always blaming our consumption, they would love the FairTax because it taxes consumption.

Obama tells seniors that privatizing social security is a threat to them. This is like a baptism for Democrats. A greater return on investment is a threat to Democrats, not seniors, that's why Obama is lying to them. The problem with so-called privatizing is that government would still administer it, and therefore government would use it to its advantage at the expense of seniors. That's why we need to meet our current obligations at the same time as we abolish the burden of entitlements for future generations so they can save and manage their own money for retirement.

Obama claims that Hillary will win Kentucky because she's from nearby Arkansas. Maybe Obama changed the rules of education at Harvard so he never had to study geography, so he doesn't know that Illinois borders Kentucky and Arkansas doesn't. Maybe that's why he thinks he's been in 57 states. And he didn't learn the history of the 70s. This guy doesn't even know the country he's running for president of. He's an idiot. No wonder he sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years.

More evidence that our political process has been perverted into a religious process. Republican official compares McCain to Jesus.

Cell phone use by pregnant women can cause future behavioral problems in the children. Since science has been hijacked by political activists, I have no idea any more if reports like these are true or the result of some political faction against cell phones. This study defies common sense. How would the cell phone affect an embryo or fetus developing in the womb? I think it's more likely that mothers who are addicted to cell phone usage are more likely to have babies with behavior problems. I bet the cell phone is just a symptom of the mother's behavior problem that gets transfered to the baby during development and while it's growing up.

Taxpayers give 17 year old and her family $45,000 because the girl stopped attending school in the 4th grade because she has "school phobia." Her mother, and taxpayers, should have told her to get over it instead.

Boortz fears a movement for affordable weight loss clinics. Isn't that paid for by HillaryCare?

Barack Obama's supporters call any critic a racist, and Hillary supporters call any critic a sexist. Are we having fun yet?

This guy must be reading my blog. He even calls Republicans Democrats-lite. But what he fails to point out is that conservatives selected McCain and conservatives are the problem because they keep voting for candidates who act like Democrats.

Lindsay William's conspiracy lecture has plenty of raw meat for everybody and links oil companies, Kissinger, Iraq and Iran, Bush and Cheney, Arabs, the IMF and the World Bank - and it's all about oil prices and the national debt. Unfortunately the speaker is half used car salesman and half preacher, and his presentation is kind of grating and repetitive. But it's worth watching the whole 1:15, imo. The solution is to cut government spending, adopt the FairTax, and abolish all those supernational organizations that undermine our sovereignty - i.e. the libertarian agenda.

We keep hearing about an epidemic of identity theft, but this is the first time I've heard it linked to illegal immigration. Makes sense. Just one more reason to enforce our immigration laws.

World's oldest tree.

Funny cartoon pokes fun at eco-nuts by parodying the noble savage.

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