Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Free kibbles

Developing nations seeking nuclear power spark fears of nuclear proliferation. We should be able to negotiate deals to help these countries develop nuclear power without them obtaining nuclear weapons. We should learn the lessons from Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran, and make sure we don't repeat them. But it's criminal that our politicians are making the US fall behind developing nations in nuclear power.

Hezbollah may have pushed to far when it attacked the mountains overlooking the capital, prompting the military to respond.

Congress hates having separation of powers and co-equal branches of government. Congress acknowledges no limits to its power, and they are angry that Bush is blocking Rove from testifying under oath.

Massachusetts professional politicians howl in protest at the idea of reducing the state budget to 1995 levels by eliminating the income tax. I hope the people get this done despite the aristocrats.

Reason explains that we have nobody to blame but ourselves for demanding presidents not only government but act as saviors as well. We are paying the price too.

Reason explains why things look bleak for Republicans, except when voters consider Obama and Clinton next to McCain.

Bob Barr running for nomination of Libertarian Party.

The poor Clintons have noticed that 90% of the press supports Obama. Having been supported and protected by the press despite all their lies, meanness and corruption for 16 years, they must feel betrayed. Boo hoo.

Hillary Clinton didn't just beat Obama in West Virginia, she crushed him. It's pretty obvious that even Democrats in middle American don't like Obama. He'll do well in the standard liberal bastions of America, notably the coasts, but regular Americans aren't going to vote for him. She has a great case to make to the superdelegates.

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, the Clintons should be very flattered by Barack Obama. Taking another page from the Clinton playbook, Obama changes his position on meeting with Iran's president, then accuses Republicans of misrepresenting his original position. The Clinton's were masters of telling lies and attacking their opponents when they pointed them out. Obama learned that lesson well.

Suddenly dropping the charges against a so-called 20th hijacker makes people wonder if he was tortured.

Christopher Hitchens wonders if Israel will survive another 60 years. Ahmadinejad says Israel will soon be swept away, then he went back to working on developing nuclear weapons to make it happen.

Einstein throws oil on the fire of religion from the grave. A letter from the man who proclaimed that God does not play dice calls belief in God a childish superstition.

Pentagon considers awarding purple hearts for psychological damage. It should be a different medal than a purple heart.

Cato says we should stay out of Pakistan's internal affairs and focus on our security interests only. Yes.

Contrary to this headline, CO2 is not at a record high. It's been a hundred times as high in the past.

Responding to Chavez' nationalization of a steel company, Cato points out that Hayek was right, and communism-socialism-Marxism invariably leads to dictatorship.

Mayor Bloomberg doesn't want defense attorneys to be able to mention the 2nd Amendment in a firearms lawsuit. The lawyers are acting as if this is something unusual, but it certainly wouldn't be unusual in Ohio. In Ohio, the jury is the trier of fact and the judge is the trier of law. Every jury is instructed that all decision of law are to made by the judge, and that the jury is supposed to check their brains at the door as far as the law goes. If the judge tells the jury that sticking your tongue out is illegal, and the jury in its role as the trier of fact finds that the defendant stuck his tongue out, the jury is ordered to find that defendant guilty. It's lunacy. Constitutional issues are a matter of law, so they're not a matter for the jury. You can't argue to the jury that a police stop was illegal if the judge has previously ruled it was legal. You can't argue that sticking your tongue out is not a crime. It's a crock.

Holy crap. You have to read this story about this judge.

To combat global warming, Estonia is taxing farmers for cow farts.

Mike Adams experiments with an excellent way to promote the FairTax, carry around a copy of FairTax: The Truth and give it away. My problem is that the book is boring. It should have been half as long or less. The original FairTax book was a great read, and I read it in a couple hours. I started the second book in February, and I'm still avoiding finishing it.

George Will has some pointed questions for Obama based on his policies and statements. And some pointed questions for McCain.

Why is anybody surprised that OPEC nations don't donate much to the world food program? What would possibly make anybody think they would?

75% of Dallas school graduates who enter Dallas community colleges can't read or do math. Tennessee Dept. of Education reinterpreted the diploma requirement for government jobs to exclude students who had been home-schooled. Government will graduate people from government schools without the ability to read or do math, but they won't stand for homeschooling.

Florida cops set up a sting operation to catch illegal taxi drivers, but only catches a nice old man. Apparently illegal taxi driving hurts a lot of people in Florida. Government will do anything to protect its taxes.

Another outrageous assault on an American in the name of the war on drugs, this time in Arkansas. This war on drugs is crazy, it's killing people right and left, and we have to stop it.

Virginia gun owners carry their guns in mass on restaurant visits to show that it's no big deal.

Store manager threatens good Samaritans with shoplifting charges if they didn't pay for supplies they grabbed in an emergency to save the life of a woman who fell into a diabetic coma while waiting in line. I hope this manager is unceremoniously fired.

Palestinians in Gaza are phonebanking for Obama, calling Americans and asking them to vote for Obama, and Hamas officially endorses Obama.

You can't rule out the possibility that McCain could pick Clinton for his VP.

McCain the Democrat drank Al Gore's kool-aid and wants to use big-government laws to restrict CO2 emissions to fight global warming. This is just another way to grow government's power for the benefit of the aristocrats at the expense of the people.

Pat Buchanan explains that the Clintons aren't playing the race card, the Obama camp, which includes the press, is playing the intimidation card by attacking every legitimate criticism as racially motivated. Obama's camp is doing to the Clintons what Democrats do to Republicans every election. I don't feel the least bit sorry that the Clintons are on the receiving end instead of dishing it out this time, but these intimidation tactics and McCain's surrender to them are going to make this general election so ugly that race relations are likely to be set back for a decade.

Thomas Sowell understands there's nothing complex about the problems we face, but the press and politicians like to tell people that to make the people surrender more power. Oil prices are driven by supply and demand, including speculation, not some arcane process that can't be understood by the people.

Apparently Hezbollah's assault on the Lebanese people is terribly underreported here. No surprise there. I wonder what the UN peace-keepers are doing? Rhetorical question. It's about time the Lebanese people and military rise up and rid themselves of Hezbollah once and for all.

Looking for ways to deliver aid to Myanmar (Burma) without the consent of the junta, if need be.

Obama is trying to re-write the rules of campaigning so that nobody can criticize him. Look for the press to hold his hand when he stumbles and blast McCain every time he criticizes Obama. But McCain won't stand for it, either.

McCain is trying to fool the people by calling his big-government global warming economic intervention a "market based" solution. If it was market based, government would have no role in it.

I don't think Obama will lose as badly as Dukakis. He's better looking.

Death from prescription drugs leads common killers.

Photo of incredible group of famous scientists. Good thing a terrorist didn't attack that gathering.

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