Friday, May 02, 2008

Free kibbles

As China opens the world's longest sea bridge and Beijing's airport terminal expands to become the world's largest building, US states pathetically try to tax yachts and private jets. The comparison between news from China, dominated by the achievements of the Chinese people thanks to China's free market reforms, and news from the US dominated by petty squabbles and money grubbing from bigger and bigger-government aristocrats paints a devastating picture of the decline of the US. This contrast is as big as the contrast between the US and the Soviets in the late 80s, when the US was thriving from Reagan's free market reforms and the Soviets were imploding under the weight of their government.

Jobless rate falls. Dollar and Dow up. Is the worst over? Before the government checks come? 
Fed and European banks expand liquidity, so maybe the dollar is up because the Euro is down.

California faces water rationing. This is the result of central planning. If free markets managed the water supply instead of government, rising prices would have signalled the problem and prompted investment to solve the problem, and the population would have adapted. But no. Government instituted central planning, so now California faces water rationing. It's ridiculous to think a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats can manage anything, let alone something so important as the water supply, better than million of Americans working together in a free market.

Mexicans cross the border hundreds of times and are returned home by border patrol with no consequences.

Why is the US pressuring Arab countries to aid the Palestinians? That money goes straight to Hamas and funds terrorists. We should be pressuring every country to cut off all money to Hamas in order to disarm them. When we do that, maybe the Palestinians will finally kick them out themselves.

Main Zimbabwe opposition leader maintains he won over 50% of the vote and rejects the 47% 
recount that puts him with a run-off with Mugabe. Results announced.

Ex-Iraqi commander Sanchez' new book blasts the Bush administration handling of Iraq. This guy blasted everybody but himself after he was relieved. His attacks would carry a lot more weight if he took responsibility for the problems himself.

Americans are buying smaller cars. This is the free market at work. It isn't because of global 
warming hysteria. It isn't because of government laws. It's because of the price of fuel. If government stays out of markets and lets prices change freely, people respond rationally. Free markets evolved with humans to optimize society. Leave them alone.

Study shows that No Child Left Behind reading program doesn't help students read better. What a surprise. I would have thought that cookie-cutter education plans drawn up by faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington would work wonders with the diverse children in the diverse neighborhoods of the country.

Congressmen shamelessly lease luxury vehicles on taxpayer dime. That's their privilege as American aristocracy, right?

DNC airs anti-war, anti-McCain ads showing US soldiers being killed by IEDs.

Showing how scared they are to get outside their echo chamber, the loony, far-left liberal base is upset with Democrats for appearing on Foxnews. Do they want their candidates to loose instead of reaching out to mainstream Americans? I guess they do.

Barack Obama says Americans are tired of hearing about Rev. Wright. Obama supporters maybe, but not Americans. We want to find out more about the real Barack Obama. If Obama didn't want Americans to listen to Rev. Wright, Obama shouldn't have listened to him preach for 20 years.

NASA manipulating historical temperature data to make it look like we're suffering global warming. NASA temperature data before being manipulated to appear as if we're suffering global warming by James Hansen. This Hansen guy has been busted for incorrect data before.

The global warming frauds have figured out the world isn't warming, so the propagandists are doing damage control, reporting that natural cooling will cool the planet for the next decade before man-made global warming takes over again. Funny how cooling is natural, but warming is man-made. The frauds know that global cooling will take the wind out of the sails of their fraud, so they're trying to get out in front on the issue to keep it moving anyway.

How government and environmentalists teamed up to make our forests unhealthy and dangerously prone to wild fires.

When an Australian newspaper printed news that government officials were going to pass a spending bill to use taxpayer money to promote their incumbants before an election, the police raided the newspaper to find out how the paper discovered the bill.

Cato thinks the Washington Madam was hounded to suicide by dangerous laws against prostitution and money laundering.

The government has taken gray wolves off the endangered species list, and activists are suing to put them back on. The courts have no business in this decision.

Report on tax complexity and the burden of tax compliance in the US. Ouch.

Senator Inhofe calls for a review of ethanol subsidies. I should hope so.

The US population could reach 1 billion by the end of the century. I hope not. I'm all for a growing population, but not that fast.

President Bush supports international day of prayer.

Ann Coulter lambasts Obama for trying to convince Americans that Rev. Wright was taken out of context. In Clintonian fashion, he really thought we'd buy it. He might as well have given a speech about ducking sniper fire in Bosnia. The Democrat candidates are jokes. At least McCain is a war hero.

Jonah Goldberg reports that researcher did not infect blacks with syphilis during the Tuskegee experiment. The New Deal program lied to them about treatment (they were never treated for 40 years), but it didn't infect them. Wikipedia agrees. I was misinformed, and this dangerous myth should be exposed every time it rears its ugly head.

Pat Buchanan has noticed that caucasions are committing genetic suicide by not breeding as fast as other races. And culture follows genes on a large scale, so western society is going down too. I disagree about going out with a wimper. Our genes don't let us go down without a wimper. Once whites feel the genetic pressure of extinction at a personal level, they will fight back. The only thing that mitigate this is interbreeding. If most of us are some coffee or tan color by then, it won't matter. All our genes will be mixed in the larger pool of humanity and will continue.

Lawrence Kudlow points out that the difference between 0.6% growth in Q4 and 0.6% growth in Q1 and a contraction in both those quarters, the difference between a recession and not, could make a difference in the election. I think the economy will bounce back because the credit crisis was overstated, as any crises usually is. Bernanke has stopped destroying the dollar, and that's in our favor because oil prices will stablize, and that will help Republicans in November. It's almost as if Bernanke is trying to help Republicans, loosening money just enough to stave off the "R" word.

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