Friday, February 15, 2008

Free kibbles

Homeland Security to provide permanent residency to immigrants before the FBI completes required background checks. This is why we created this monstrosity of a bureaucracy, so it could undermine US security. Everything government bureaucracy gets its hands on becomes worse.

Shooting down the failed satellite shows our anti-missile system is also an anti-satellite missile system. Anti-satellite weapons. US pledges to pay for any damage. That makes sense.

Sarkozy draws fire for wanting French school children to "adopt" French child victims of the Holocaust to insure they understand the atrocity.

Reason reviews the new book defending Joe McCarthy and finds middle ground.

Reason wonders if tax cuts have lost their ability to win elections. I don't think tax cuts alone was ever enough.

Olbermann calls Bush a fascist. He should get some new writers. That material is a couple generations old.

House passes contempt charges on 2 Bush aids. Republicans walk out in protest.

Article claims black superdelegates are switching from Clinton to Obama, but offers only 1 example. The article provides several quotes supporting identity politics.

In an attempt to buy votes, both Clinton and Obama donate campaign funds to superdelegates.

I'm not impressed with Obama's positions on school vouchers because I can't tell what it is. I guess he's saying if Congress sent him a voucher bill he'd sign it, but he won't push the issue. Mr. Non-controversy is trying to walk a tightrope and have it both ways. He plans to unite by being wishy-washy.

Romney endorses McCain.

Peggy Noonan suggests Clinton would be better served by admitting her predicament.

Entertaining satire on Obama supporters.

Bloomberg rips the government over our failing economy, but then shows tremendous ignorance about. He says government is trying find easy solutions to complex economic problems. There's nothing complex about our economic problems. Government is way too big, our taxes are way too high, and our debt is way too big. Bloomberg also praises Obama for calling for a new bureaucracy, and even though he plans to raise taxes. This isn't rocket science. Either government sucks money out of the economy, or that money gets reinvested in the economy. We need reinvestment, so we need to dramatically reduce the burden of government.

Government is providing half a billion US taxpayer dollars to Mexico so it can buy equipment to help illegal aliens avoid the US border patrol as they break into our country.

A town in Britain is going to shut off street lights because of global warming, exposing their citizens to increased crime and traffic accidents. For a fraud.

I'm all for making parents more accountable for juvenile delinquency. But since government is involved, you know this will get screwed up. The rich will be able to either get off or pay the fines and ignore the problem, welfare parents won't get punished because they're on welfare, but hard working parents working multiple jobs to make ends meet will pay heavy price. The reason this will happen will be in the name of equality, because good judgment won't be allowed.

Star Parker exposes the problems with HillaryCare. She should include RomneyCare, SchwarzeneggerCare, ObamaCare and all the other big-government solutions to this big-government problem.

Drew Carey from on explains that the middle class in America has never been better off.

Minnesotans for global warming song. Set the Flamingo free!

I don't notice an poor people in this list of biggest charitable contributions in 2007. I thought poor people were mean and evil and didn't donate to charities.

Cato explains that the lesson to be learned from Iraq is the limits of our power.

Harry Reid claims he doesn't know what the Berkeley City counsel said about Marines not being welcome. Either a liar or he doesn't care about the Marines, or both.

Dutch Christian organization renames Lent, the Christian Ramadan because Dutch youth are more familiar with Muslim customs than Christian ones. Europeans are just giving throwing their culture, and the reason for their greatness, away. And we're following right behind. I think we'll see a lot of Dutch immigrants as this gets worse.

The press, long trying to convince Americans that interrogators torture detainees at Guantanamo, finally found evidence of torture. Guantanamo detainees are served Starbucks coffee. I bet Khalid Shaikh Mohammad is only allowed to drink regular coffee instead of mocha latte. The vision of this reporter backseat interrogating cracks me up. How easy it is to sit in judgment of the people doing the hard work of figuring out how to best interrogate these people and then carrying it out.

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