Monday, February 04, 2008

Free kibbles

In typical Republican fashion, Bush talks about cutting the budget, but in fact he means slowing the growth of the budget. Bush slows Medicare growth from 7% to 5% annually. This after he added Medicare part D, a trillion dollar expansion to the entitlement, in his first term. Any cuts are better than none, but this is a hypocritical joke. This may push back ultimate financial disaster by a couple years, but it won't stop it or even mitigate the damage. This supposedly smaller budget is actually a record at over $3 trillion. The State Dept. wants to double its size over the next 10 years? How about cutting it in half instead? Our government has gone insane and we keep reelecting the same 2 failed parties and feeding it all the money it demands. Cato calls the budget irresponsible.

What's up with all this "independence" talk with government? Independence in a government agency means unaccountable to the people. That's antithetical to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I don't like this Privacy & Civil Liberties commission at all. It sounds way too much like Canada's fascist speech courts. Republicans and Democrats have created a new monster to attack the American people - independent government agencies. We should be very afraid. We have to wrestle control of our government back from the 2 anti-American parties.

Recently killed al Qaeda leader had moved openly and freely in Pakistan despite bounty.

Britain had planned to build a Taliban training camp in order to get the fighters to switch sides. What? No wonder Afghan President Karzai kicked some of their diplomats out.

It's about time somebody besides me asked if cutting the internet lines in the Middle East was intentional.

Obama has flip-flopped his position on decriminalizing marijuana, showing he is just another typical Democrat with the most liberal voting record in the Senate.

Obama pulls almost even with Clinton nationally.

Hillary Clinton's claim of 35 years of public service is a lie. She conveniently never mentions her work at the Rose Law Firm where she helped perpetrate any number of frauds, and all her partners ended up in jail. And the press conveniently never asks her about it.

Christopher Hitchens shows that human rights takes a backseat to disarming North Korea.

Google is right that Microsoft will do anything it can to stifle innovation in order to retain or gain marketshare. Microsoft is ruthless at killing innovative technology and keeping consumers from accessing the newest, best technology, which never belongs to Microsoft.

Dutch robot fills gas tanks.

Alaska is the last great frontier in America. Therefore it's the last state that remembers that personal freedom and personal responsibility is what makes a state or nation great. That's why Ron Paul is poised to win Alaska on super Tuesday.

Hillary Clinton claims "Americans want to be part of something bigger than themselves." She's not the only politician to express that. Not only is she undermining the individual and individual liberty and subsequently the family. She and every other big-government politician are making government a direct competitor to God, undermining religion.

Since crying right before the New Hampshire primary brought Hillary a ton of votes from women, she decided to tear up again today right before super Tuesday. She cries better than she lies. I bet it's hard being a self-serving actress every moment in front of the public. If we ever need a phony-in-chief, Hillary should get our nomination.

Cato explains the automatic pay raises and promotions for federal employees regardless of performance and the economy.

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