Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Free kibbles

Wanted Hezbollah commander assassinated by bomb.

The Senate passed the FISA bill with Telecom immunity. That means we won't have the specter of our telecom companies refusing to work with authorities to wiretap terrorists. One thing that isn't explained in this article is that the old FISA rules stopped the government from listening in on foreign to foreign communications that passed through the US. That had to be fixed.

But this bill has constitutional problems in 2 ways. First, it attempts to restrict the President's power to intercept enemy and/or domestic sympathizer communications during a time of war. Congress has no power to interfere in the President's constitutional responsibility to intercept communications in a time of war. Second, it gives the power of warrantless wiretaps of Americans during peacetime. That's also unconstitutional. In war, the President can intercept enemy and sympathizer communications without judicial oversite. In peacetime he cannot. The Constitution is clear on this.

Condoleezza Rice takes on Vladimir Putin over his aggression. It's about time somebody in this administration showed some balls when dealing with Russia. Rhetoric is better than the nothing we've been doing. Clinton lost Russia, then Bush provoked them on issues and while playing the wimp on others. Saying we have no coherent strategy for dealing with Russia is an understatement. Another Putin enemy murdered in London. Putin's enemies are dropping like flies. Must be coincidence. Putin threatens Ukraine with nuclear missiles if it joins NATO and hosts a US missile defense system.

The EU pushes back on tightening US travel restrictions.

If the Palestinian Authority wants authority in Gaza, it should align with Israel and invade Gaza and wipe out Hamas. Let Israel provide logistic, but let Abbas put his money where his mouth is and oust Hamas out of Gaza. Arab Muslims taking care of an Arab Muslim problem. It's a waste of hot air to talk about peace in the Middle East until somebody takes out Hamas.

The same is true with Hezbollah. The Lebanese Army should align with Israel and oust Hezbollah from Lebanan, because there will be on peace in the Middle East until somebody takes out Hezbollah.

The people will sit in judgment of the military tribunals for Guantanamo detainees. If information gleaned from harsh interrogation techniques is admitted as evidence, these tribunals will lose all support, as well they should. I don't understand why we're trying them. We should hold them until the war on terror is over.

Reason on Canada's Human Rights courts censorship.

Reason describes how Americans came to accept drug testing in the workplace.

Reason via Foxnews exposes the bias in our criminal justice system that has produced an epidemic of false convictions.

Reason explains that Ron Paul and contrarians of both parties are under attack in the primaries. Now I want to see Ron Paul's CPAC speech.

Obama sweeps 3 more primaries. So did McCain.

Only a die-hard liberal could consider the Clinton years, when we lost China and aided their ascension, lost Russia, provided the fertile ground for terrorism, and when he turned Reagan's legacy, the best situation the US had seen domestically and overseas in nearly 100 years, into his nightmare legacy, a success. Maybe he means the way Republicans forced Clinton against his will to balance the budget and embrace so-called welfare reform.

Bizarre, emotional drivel from a purported journalist. Women don't owe Hillary crap. She wasn't providing charity to women. This article reeks of identity politics, which is the height of stupidity. Nobody would suggest that I should vote for a candidate because he's a man, has brown hair, and hazel eyes. Whether or not any president has ever had hazel eyes is immaterial. A candidate's sex or skin color is equally immaterial. This irrational emotionalism is driving voters of both parties. The emotionalism of, hating Bush, the first woman, the first black man, the guy who will sound tough when talking about terrorism. Democrats have more to be emotional about, so their turnout is higher. What's obvious is that emotional appeal is far and away the biggest factor in determining who will win our presidency. That sucks.

New Yorker's tax dollars are being used to promote sex on Valentine's Day. Are New Yorker's so square they need government to instruct them about having sex? I guess so. Fortunately, in the rest of the country we already know how to do that without spending our tax dollars to have government tell us so.

Congratulations to the world's fattest man for dropping 507 pounds. I know there are a lot jokes here, but that's an outstanding accomplishment. He better not stop there, though.

Woman sues Best Buy for $54 million for losing laptop. Judges should have the option to simply dismiss cases when plaintiffs sue for such ridiculous amounts. That power alone would go a significant way toward tort reform.

Berkeley claims to have moderated its position on Marines. Bull. Supporting the troops is not a political position, up to debate, or subject to pressure.

Newscorp in talks with Yahoo. Now we know why Yahoo rejected Microsoft.

Beagle wins Westminster Dog show.

Clemens tells Congress under oath that he never took steroids or HGH, upping the ante.

Cato calls the new FISA bill a surveillance scam.

Cato explains that with so much negative publicity surrounding earmarks, Congress will simply transform the way they appropriate them to avoid scrutiny.

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