Wednesday, May 29, 2013


US drone strike kills Taliban leader and four others in Pakistan. No mention on who the four others were.

US soldier to plead guilty to massacre of 16 in Afghanistan.

John McCain's motive for meeting the Syrian rebels.
"So what did McCain do in Syria? The military backbone of the opposition is the al-Nusra Front, which has recently pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda. Did McCain meet with their commanders – in spite of the fact that they have recently been added to the State Department’s list of officially-designated terrorist organizations?"
So the US is arming people it officials claims are terrorists. Hello, definition of treason.
"He didn’t say. What we do know about his trip is that he went and listened to their demands that we set up a no fly zone, send them guns and cash, and attack Hezbollah in Lebanon – yes, Lebanon. They want us to widen the war, and naturally Sen. McCain is for that, too. Has there ever been a war he didn’t want to escalate?"
He went as their stooge to publicize their demands.
"The American people are overwhelmingly opposed to US intervention in Syria, including helping the jihadist rebels. But their opinion doesn’t count for much in Washington, D.C., where lobbyists, both foreign and domestic, rule the roost. Murky organizations with dubious ties to foreign groups, like the “Syrian Emergency Task Force,” have more sway than Joe Sixpack, and certainly WINEP, and – standing behind it – AIPAC have the kind of clout that could engineer US intervention in Syria’s vicious civil war. "
Government of our rulers, by our rulers, for our rulers. We're just the prey.
"Another “irony” for Sen. Paul to note: the same Moustafa Mouaz who is now serving as the executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force formerly held the same position for – you guessed it! – the Libyan Emergency Task Force. And we know how well that worked out for us.
Funny how these “emergency task forces” show up at precisely the right time, loaded with funding, and with good connections to the mainstream media and prominent politicians, – like Athena emerging fully armed from the head of Zeus."
Great analogy.

Sixty-nine Iraqs killed, 169 wounded. It never ends.

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