Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tax and Spend

Congress and the media go after Lois Lerner. Congressmen claim she waived her fifth amendment rights, but they don't call it a right. They call it a privilege. Lerner placed on administrative leave. She's being punished for spilling the beans, not for taking the fifth. She refused to resign.

Award winning, long time St. Louis anchor man fired over claim the IRS targeted him after interview of Obama.
"The IRS claims Conners and his wife, Janet L. Conners, owe more than $85,000 from 2008, 2009 and 2010. Larry Conners said he has had a tax accountant prepare his statements for years and that he and his wife had paid taxes for 2008-2010, but the IRS disagreed with the Conners over some deductions. He was on a payment plan with the IRS, he said, but after the Obama interview, the IRS cancelled the plan. In September a lien was placed on their Clayton home. The IRS declined to comment."
Sounds like retaliation to me.

It would be kind of exciting to see a special prosecutor appointed. Those guys want to make a name for themselves, and they do it by taking down other big-time politicians. It's like watching snakes feed on each other. And the IRS is about the worst of the snakes.

I don't want the government using stolen money to pay for tornado safe rooms or anything else.

Government bridge collapses in Washington State.

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