Monday, January 30, 2012

Free kibbles


Techies consider jailbreaking as means of protecting the internet from government aggression.


Documents reveal AG Holder was thoroughly informed about Fast and Furious and its relationship to the murder of a US agent.


Democracy is a form of socialism.
"Democracy, of the unlimited kind lauded today,[3] is a form of socialism, in the sense that it arrogates ultimate power over all decisions to the government. Implicit in the notion of people's present love affair with mob rule is the assumption that government, through the collective "will of the people," should have the prerogatives of ownership of all resources in society, should it choose to exercise these. The democrat brooks no limitation on the legitimate powers of government and hence gives total ownership over all of society to this institution. The only limitation in his mind is the limitation of democracy itself — that the rulers in control of the government apparatus must guard against being displaced by another set of rulers, at the behest of the demands of the mob."
Great description.


Hundreds of thousands of federal employees owe billions in back taxes.


A third company that received taxpayer money from Obama has gone bankrupt. Of course this is a pattern. The pattern is Obama is trying to collapse the US economy under the burden of government, and Republicans are aiding and abetting.

Bitterly cold winter in Alaska. So far not here, thank goodness. Knock on wood.


In an attempt to fool people into believing the government is keeping us safe, headlines trumpet capture of drug cartel member who murdered 75 people. They captured one killer after he killed 75 people. Thousands if not tens of thousands continue to operate. Hundreds of tons of drugs entered the US. Some victory. Drug gangs control entire sections of major cities in the US. They've corrupted police, prosecutors and judges all over the country, especially along the border. They've infiltrated the military. They undoubtedly pay off politicians in Washington to keep drugs illegal. These propagandists make Baghdad Bob look honest. Do you feel safer?


Power hungry politicians around the country are using the tragic event in Zanesville, when a mentally ill man released dozens of wild animals that deputies subsequently killed, as an excuse to seize animals from Americans.

Congressional supporter of wiretaps caught on wiretap promising to use her influence to aid Israeli spies.

I'm going to quote this in its entirety.
"A couple of British tourists who had Tweeted some slang were detained and deported by Homeland Security, which apparently always is on the job, ready to repel non-existent threats:Leigh Van Bryan, 26, was handcuffed and kept under armed guard in a cell with Mexican drug dealers for 12 hours after landing in Los Angeles with pal Emily Bunting.
The Department of Homeland Security flagged him as a potential threat when he posted an excited tweet to his pals about his forthcoming trip to Hollywood which read: 'Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America'.
Leigh also had Tweeted that the pair would "dig up Marilyn Monroe" and agents searched their luggage...for spades and shovels. Welcome to Obamika, folks."
Yet Americans buy the propaganda that foreigners hate us for our freedom.

Government to delete data of users of Megaupload.


Why were people driving down the highway if they couldn't see?

Target thinks I'm going to pay more for a product just because it's made for Target. I don't think so. I understand the problem Target is talking about, but I don't think this is the solution. Because web stores don't need brick and mortar showrooms, they offer products at lower prices. What brick and mortar stores can offer is personal service, building relationships, support for products over their lifetime, etc.

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