Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free kibbles


Many sites are going again with tomorrow's internet blackout protesting censorship bills.


Mises describes how socialism, starting with Lenin, unleashed the pure evil of the state.
"This was the true meaning of the Lenin revolution. All the traditional ideas of right and legality were overthrown. The rule of unrestrained violence and usurpation was substituted for the rule of law. The "narrow horizon of bourgeois legality," as Marx had dubbed it, was abandoned. Henceforth no laws could any longer limit the power of the elect. They were free to kill ad libitum. Man's innate impulses toward violent extermination of all whom he dislikes, repressed by a long and wearisome evolution, burst forth. The demons were unfettered. A new age, the age of the usurpers, dawned. The gangsters were called to action, and they listened to the Voice.Of course, Lenin did not mean this. He did not want to concede to other people the prerogatives which he claimed for himself. He did not want to assign to other men the privilege of liquidating their adversaries. Him alone had history elected and entrusted with the dictatorial power. He was the only "legitimate" dictator because — an inner voice had told him so. Lenin was not bright enough to anticipate that other people, imbued with other creeds, could be bold enough to pretend that they also were called by an inner voice. Yet, within a few years too such men, Mussolini and Hitler, became quite conspicuous.
It is important to realize that Fascism and Nazism were socialist dictatorships. The communists, both the registered members of the communist parties and the fellow-travelers, stigmatize Fascism and Nazism as the highest and last and most depraved stage of capitalism. This is in perfect agreement with their habit of calling every party which does not unconditionally surrender to the dictates of Moscow — even the German Social Democrats, the classical party of Marxism — hirelings of capitalism."
Mises goes on to explain how communists purposely re-wrote history make fascism a product of capitalism, not socialism. Socialists do the same still.


Obama to set a record for debt accumulation.
"President Barack Obama has been increasing the national debt during his presidency by an average of $4.24 billion per day ($4,240,506,004.34) putting him on a pace to increase the national debt by $6.2 trillion ($6,195,379,272,340.74) by the end of his term on Jan. 20, 2013, according to the debt figurespublished by the U.S. Treasury.That $6.2 trillion is more debt than was accumulated by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined."
But people who don't agree with him are stupid.

Cato exposes the myth that Obama wants to cut government.
"Contrary to what various news outlets are reporting, President Obama is NOT proposing to cut government. The administration is proposing to take four independent federal agencies that specialize in corporate welfare – along with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative – and combine them with corporate welfare programs at the Department of Commerce to form what I would argue should be called the Department of Corporate Welfare.According to reports, this rearranging of the deck chairs would save $300 million a year. That’s peanuts. Worse, those alleged savings will be of no consequence to taxpayers as there is nothing to suggest that the president intends to cut overall spending for the agencies comprising the new bureaucracy. That portendsbigger government, not smaller. The president is trying to sell the American taxpayer a false bill of goods."
This is an attempt by Obama to seize power from Congress and lord more control over business while stealing more money from taxpayers.

Even Californians don't want Obama's high speed train boondoggle.


Thanks to copyright, you have to pay $10 to see MLK's famous I have a dream speech.


In order to boost Obama's election chances, the Fed is preparing for QEIII. Apparently all the insiders are prepared as well.


Four important factors in favor of home schools: academics, socialization, cost and values.


Climategate 2 emails exposing the fraud behind the hockey stick.

Obama didn't just steal our money and waste on Solyndra. There were others.
"It turns out that there may be as many as 11 other green energy companies that received $6.5 billion collectively in loans from the federal government.  These companies have since declared bankruptcy or are facing some serious financial issues."
Obama's cronies get richer while we get poorer.


How the government turns justice upside down and uses courts to persecute the innocent and protect real criminals.

Now the police state plans to bombard people crossing the border with cancer-causing radiation.


Great video shows the sequence of events that resulted from US aggression toppling the Iranian government and continued through 9/11 and continues to this day.


The media is putting Obama on all kinds of magazine covers to boost his chances at reelection too.


A couple of days ago the DDN triumphantly reported the final phase of I-75 construction was about to begin. I claimed it would never end because it would be delayed then more construction would be added. It sure didn't take long to delay it a year. Once you understand that true purpose of government is to steal from the people, predicting this stuff becomes easy.


Hackers steal $6.7 million from South African post office.

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