Thursday, January 12, 2012

Free kibbles


Unions have driven another beloved company, Hostess, into bankruptcy. This is another good reminder that unions harm workers and consumers as well as capitalists.


Are you one of the people who voted Republican in 2010 to stop the growth in government spending and the debt? If so, this is how it's working out for you.
"Federal spending bills approved by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have increased the national debt by more than $1 trillion dollars in just 10 months."
When are you going to wake up and realize that Republicans are partners in looting us with the Democrats? Ron Paul is the only Republican who wants to stop that. If you can't vote for Ron Paul, the only other option for reducing the size and scope of government is voting Libertarian.


Greece's government debt problem hinders pharmacists from getting drugs.


Great global warming fraud James Hansen, paid by US taxpayers, scares children by saying global warming will make the oceans boil.

Ben Stein claims he was blacklisted in Hollywood for failing to believe the global warming fraud.


The Pentagon believes the video of marines urinating on dead Afghans is real. This shows how badly perpetual war warps our troops.


Ron Paul surges from 9 percent to 13 percent on South Carolina.

Paul wins second in the New Hampshire Democrat primary as a write-in. This lends support to the claim that Paul would win Democrat votes much as Reagan did.

This comparison is not accurate.
"America has come back, at least politically, to where it was in the far-off 1950’s when Communist-scares and the American fascism of Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy kept the republic in a state of anxiety and deep fear."Reds under our beds" was the slogan in those days of paranoia and witch-hunting. Today, the new scare mantra is: "Muslims under our mattresses," and "Iran threatens the world.""
The federal government really was infested with Soviet spies then. It is not infested with al Qaeda spies today. Also, the Soviets were an immeasurably greater threat then than Muslim terrorists now.


Yesterday I predicted Limbaugh and Hannity would change their tunes regarding Ron Paul. It looks like Boortz already has:
"Jim DeMint nails it when he says the GOP candidates need to listen to Ron Paul and would benefit from integrating some of his libertarian ideas into their platform."
I'm sure all of them will claim they've always supported Ron Paul's small government domestic agenda. Forget about all those times they called him a kook.

This is a good point. I watched Special Report the other night and saw this comment from Krauthammer.
"There are two stories coming out of New Hampshire. The big story is Mitt Romney. The bigger one is Ron Paul."
He was respectful. I though Boortz's comment today was the first indication the establishment had determined they better start courting Paul and his supporters. Maybe Krauthammer's was the first. I still say, given the ratings drop by Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, the Republican establishment is going to be tripping all over themselves to see who can embrace Ron Paul the fastest.

It turns out that Bain Capital merged with Clear Channel in 2006, so Romney literally owns talk radio. Talk about the establishment.


Wright Pat to lose a net 234 jobs this year. That may not sound like much, but that will impact the local economy.

Dayton City government steals $250,000 from citizens and gives it to the Crown Plaza hotel. If this was a good investment, the people of Dayton could have invested voluntarily.

Centerville wants to annex some land. Why?
"“This positions the city to potentially forge an annexation pathway to (Ohio) 48 to capture future income tax dollars,” said Lightle, noting its proximity to the Austin Pike interchange."
To steal more money, of course.

What does this mean? Since when do courts decide who can be in the legislative branch? And I'm not talking about 2000. Clearly somebody as to adjudicate when people challenge election counts and recounts, and that means the Supreme Court can be involved. Corruption begets more corruption begets more corruption. Still, I think that 2000 case opened floodgates.


Russian suggests the US government is causing its space missions to fail.

Ubuntu to enter tablet market with a true open environment.

Company claims it can waterproof any device with a new nano-coating. I'm a little bit skeptical.

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