Friday, January 20, 2012

Free kibbles


Here's a good reminder that government will force something like SOPA on us.
"SOPA action delayed in House until ‘wider consensus’"
Our rulers will seize control of the internet for their own benefit whether we like it or not.

This crusade against copyright has nothing to do with copyright. That's just the excuse. The real reason government wants control of the internet is to silence speech critical of it. Case in point:
"For a couple of years now, Sunstein has been advocating that the “notice and take down” model from copyright law should be used against rumors and conspiracy theories, “to achieve the optimal chilling effect.”"
Sunstein isn't alone. This is what all members of the ruling class want.


It's been over 1,000 days since Democrats passed a budget.

How the income tax soaks the poor.
"This is all in line with the ability-to-pay doctrine. The poor, simply because there are more of them, have more ability to pay than the rich. The national pay envelope contains more money than the combined treasuries of all the corporations of the country. The government could not for long overlook this rich mine. Political considerations however, made the tapping of the pay envelope difficult. The wage earners have votes, many votes, and in order not to alienate these votes, it was necessary to devise some means for making the taxation of their incomes palatable. They had to be lulled into acceptance of "soak the poor.""
"The drug that was concocted for this purpose was "social security." The worker was told that he was not paying an income tax when his pay envelope was opened and robbed; he was simply making a "contribution" to "insurance" against the inevitable disabilities of old age. He would get it all back, when he could no longer work, and with a profit."
The Root of All Evil. Here's how the Ponzi scheme works.
"To give some plausibility to the "insurance" advertisement, the government sets up a so-called reserve fund. In place of the money it collects, it piles up its own bonds, or IOUs, in an amount equal to the collections. The interest on these bonds, it says, will be adequate to meet the old-age obligations when due. But the interest on these bonds is paid out of what it collects in taxes; where else can the government get money? Since the so-called premiums are only taxes, and since the benefit payments are also taxes, the operation is the same as if an insurance company used up its premium collections in salaries and cocktail parties and then paid out benefits from new premiums. For doing that, the directors of the company can be sent to jail. However, the laws made for ordinary citizens are somewhat different from the laws made for public officials."
Like Madoff. How inflation also robs Social Security "contributors".
"The more we look into this offspring of the Sixteenth Amendment the more we are astounded by its fraudulent character. Take the matter of the bonds in the reserve fund. The government can issue money against them — that is, it can "buy" them with printed money when it needs money to pay old-age benefits; that is part of the law. Or, if the government sells the bonds to private persons, or to the banks, the buyers can borrow against them. In either case, new money comes into the market, lowering the volume of all the money in existence. That is inflation. Now, the money taken from the worker's pay envelope is worth more, will buy more goods, than the money he will get when he is old, simply because these bonds are in existence. This social-security scheme was started in 1937. One does not have to be an economist to know that in 1937 the dollar bought more bread and shoes than it does in 1954. The man who in 1954 begins drawing old-age benefits gets dollars that will fetch him less of the things he needs than the dollars he was compelled to "contribute" in 1937 and during the years that followed."
It's a racket all the way around.


As soon as Obamacare passed, I predicted Republicans wouldn't repeal it because they don't want to repeal it. They want to modify it share in the looting. Now leading Republicans except Ron Paul are proving me right.

Government regulations harm medical patients. It can't be any other way.

The FDA supports the widespread use of antibiotics infecting our food supply.


Climategate II email shows that a global warming fraud knows that global warming has nothing to do with Kilimanjaro's shrinking glacier, but he makes the claim publicly anyway. That's fraud.

Dennis Kucinich wants to create a "reasonable profits board" to make sure oil companies don't earn too much profits. This is a re-branding of the windfall profits tax. Do you see where the Constitution gives the government that power?

Obama's big-time crony Warren Buffet will profit from Obama's decision to block the Keystone pipeline.

NASA fraud James Hansen claims 2011 was the ninth hottest year on record. If he's right - I'm skeptical - that means the planet is cooling.


Prediction that the Chinese government will collapse this year. The collapse will be both economic and political.

The simple reality regarding Iran's nuclear program that we rarely hear because all the media presents is state propaganda.
"Embarrassingly for Washington’s hawks, two recent US national intelligence estimates so far support the ayatollah’s assertions that Iran’s nuclear program is strictly for power generation.
However, US allies on the UN’s Atomic Energy Agency continue to raise questions as to the intent of the Iranian program, without producing any hard proof of warlike intent."
For this US rulers want to start a war that would dwarf the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.
"Israel is straining every muscle to push the US into war against Iran, as it did in 2002-2003 with Iraq, thus sparing itself the difficult task. The recent string of murders of Iranian scientists appears designed to provoke Iran into a retaliation that would set in motion a full-scale war. So far, Iran has refrained from any retaliation."
Not to mention the existing sanctions and the threatened sanctions against Iranian oil and the Iranian central bank.
"Candidate Newt Gingrich got $5 million of indirect support from an American casino mogul who is a major financial backer of Israel’s West Bank settlers and expansionist Likud Party."
The accomplice press failed to report that also.

Mossad agents in Iran posing as CIA agents recruit terrrorists. Israel is our supposed ally.


Obama lied so blatantly in his first campaign ad, even the USA Today felt the need to expose it.

More than half of Americans think a third party is needed. Do you think they really don't know that third parties exist?

Isn't it ironic that Democrats have received more funds from Bain Capital than Republicans? This is a good reminder that Romney is effectively a Democrat.

That the Republican campaign is dominated by phony conservatives says a lot about conservatives. Much like their candidates, their actions - votes - are very from their words.

How the ruling elite manufactures consent.


Will states as we know them cease to exist? I doubt it. The state has proven to be far and away the most successful system of theft the world has ever known. Great quote:
"The modern Welfare/Warfare state was born in the in late nineteenth-century Imperial Germany under Chancellor Otto von Bismarck – his intention was clear from the outset:
“My idea was to bribe the working classes, or shall I say, to win them over, to regard the state as a social institution existing for their sake and interested in their welfare”
Bet you never saw that quote in your government run schoolbooks. Frideric Howe, an admirer of the german systeml wrote that under that system, “The individual exists for the state, not the state for the individual.”
We are now witnessing the end result of the institutions of bribery and theft that swept the rest of the world in the first half of the 20th century."
The current states might disappear, but others will replace them.
"War has now gone financial and the US is trying to protect its dollar imperialism that supports the Federal Reserve Note at the expense of the world.
A rare hero does sometimes emerge from the financial megamonstrosity that dares to call itself “capitalism”. Devan Sharma, former head of S&P stood up to the beast this summer and downgraded the US Government’s credit rating. He was axed days later amongst little fanfare."
I don't remember reading that either.

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