Sunday, October 30, 2011

Free kibbles


Ohio emergency crews stage a mock zombie attack on college campus. Was this supposed to help the students get a better education? Of course not. It distracted students from their education. This was just to scare them and convince them to bow down and worship the government.


A typical snow storm leaves 2.7 million without power in the northeast. This shows how badly government has degraded our power grid, which was designed a century ago and can't be replaced because government controls it. Of course the storm came early in the year, but the electric grid doesn't get more robust in the winter.

Record snowfall in New York on the Occupy movement's Climate Justice day. The Al Gore effect strikes again.


Man harassed by FBI after 9/11 puts tons of personal minutia online, thinking too much information makes him anonymous. I don't think so. I think it makes him an easy patsy for anybody who chooses to use him that way.


Theory on why governments wage war.
"The conduct of America’s – or any country’s – foreign policy, therefore, is the province of a very small group at the very top of the political pyramid: what might be called, for lack of a better group description, the ruling class, otherwise known as the “Establishment.” These are the chief actors, – aside from freelancers like terrorist groups, various “liberation” movements, and George Soros – on the world stage."
Foreign policy is the where government agents enjoy the least accountability.
"The politicians, in short, are in it to stay in it: they are in the business of acquiring and keeping power, and that is what motivates them in all matters foreign and domestic."
That's what attracted them to government employment in the first place.
"The “national interest,” the “world revolution,” the peculiar destiny afforded us as sainted beneficiaries of “American exceptionalism” – all these disparate brands of ideological snake-oil, boiled down to their essence, are just naked self-interest colored with various shades of rhetorical mumbo-jumbo."
Yet we fall for it every time.

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