Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Free kibbles


An important reminder that Hitler was a socialist. The Nazis were socialists.


The government is considering regulating software development for security purposes.


Blaming Walmart for the debit card fee increase because Walmart lobbied for lowering the credit card fee. This is wrong. The government is to blame because only the government had that power. Imagine two children ask their mother to hit the other child and each promises kisses and affection in return. The mother hits one of the children. Is the other child to blame? Of course not. The mother has all the power just like the government has all the power.

Russian central bank to offer gold-backed loans, giving it tremendously more credibility than any other central bank. The western bankers must be seething. This puts them at the forefront of the return to a gold standard.

The German government allows (there's that allows word again) people to own gold without paying capital gains taxes.


Fran Tarkington lampoons the absurdity of our government school system by asking what if the NFL played by the same rules.


The government of Denmark imposes a tax on saturated fat. Since saturated fat is an important nutrient, this is going to cause serious health problems in Denmark very quickly.


E-mails show top Justice Department bureaucrats knew about Operation Fast and Furious contrary to their statements attempting to cover up their involvement. This is government at it's most typical.


The Marxist wannabes leading the Occupy Wall Street have put out a list of demands that pretty much exactly matches the Obama agenda. Imagine that. This reads like Marx's ten tenets to bring about communism. It's a recipe for destitution and institutionalized mass murder. In case anybody thinks this is just a generic, liberal agenda, notice there's nothing about ending the wars. That's because Obama doesn't want to end the wars. Signs from the protest. It's sad that because all these people are being funded by our tax dollars, they can protest indefinitely.

Van Jones is threatened by the tea party and wants to emulate it to overcome it, but he still misunderstands the fundamentals. These leftists don't understand that industrious people working in an environment of tremendous economic freedom made America great. In the past, when the economy was decent, industrious people were working while people dependent on welfare were not. The private sector brings out the industriousness in people. Welfare brings out the laziness. But because industrious people were working, they never had the time to protest against big government while because people on welfare were not working, they had plenty of time to protest for big government. But because big-government Republicans and bigger-government Democrats and Greenspan and Bernanke conspired to crash our economy, now millions of industrious people are out of work, and they protest against big-government as the tea party. They'll never get lazy welfare dependents to protest with as much vigor because of the differences in character. They'll never gain comparable political clout because of the differences in character. The dangerous part is that Democrats, with the help of Republicans, keep extending unemployment benefits because that can suck the vigor from industrious, unemployed people and corrupt them into lazy welfare dependents.

Democrats are already trying to capitalize on the Wall Street protests. This is from Raleigh, N.C.
""Maybe we need to start with the anger and then develop the proposals based on that," [Congressman Brad Miller] said. "I think if you ask people here, they would say, 'Yeah, banks ought not be as big as they are.' There are legislative proposals – I introduced one in the House that went nowhere – but if there was a movement behind it, pushing it, it would make a big difference.""
Man, this is transparent. It still amazes me how people blame corporations for the actions of the politicians instead of blaming the politicians.
""The (bank bailout) money went straight back into the pockets of CEOs and corporations," she said. "We work harder, we get taxed more. The corporations give money to the politicians and the politicians are serving the corporations. The corporations are not people.""
If you that power and money away from the politicians, that won't happen again. As long as politicians control our money and our power, they sell it to the highest bidder.

For the umpteenth time, Chris Christie rejects running for president. He rejected George Bush, Henry Kissinger and Nancy Reagan. Good for him.

Even Carter's poll numbers on many factors are better than Obama's.

Hermain Cain seems to be profiting from his 9,9,9 slogan, so Newt Gingrich issues another Contract with America. This shows once again the superficiality of our presidential nominating contest. Slogans, wit and looks win. Substance has no hope of being considered. That's why Ron Paul should have adopted a catchy slogan like "Abolish the Income Tax." That would have worked.

Obama using the Justice Department to regulate churches.


The federal government won't admit it will cut spending either voluntarily or it will be forced on it by creditors, but at least our local and state government's are, slowly, cutting spending.


Google charts show that use of the word entitlement and use of the word liberty are almost direct opposites. That's amazing, and the sudden resurgence of the use of the word liberty and falling off of entitlement is one of the most hopeful signs I've seen in decades.

Apparently the new iPhone launch was a disappointment. Could that have been part of the reason for the timing of Jobs's retirement?

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