Sunday, October 09, 2011

Free kibbles


New York woman acquitted for shooting and killing her abusive husband will go to jail for illegally possessing a firearm.


The talking heads keep telling us the economy is bad because consumers aren't spending enough. Not true.
"According to these data, real personal consumption expenditure recovered from its recession decline by the fourth quarter of 2010. Continuing to grow, it now stands (as of the most recent data, for the second quarter of 2011) even farther above its prerecession peak.Real government expenditure for consumption and investment (this concept does not include the government's transfer spending, such as unemployment insurance benefits and social security benefits) is also running higher than its prerecession level. In the second quarter of 2011, it was running more than 2 percent higher (recall that this is "real," or inflation-adjusted spending; nominal spending has grown substantially more)."
So, if lack of consumption is not the problem, what is?
"The economy remains moribund not because consumption spending has failed to recover and not because government spending has failed to increase but because the true driver of economic growth — private investment — remains deeply depressed. Gross private domestic fixed investment fell steeply after the second quarter of 2007, and in the second quarter of 2011 it remained 19 percent below its prerecession peak. This figure fails to show how bad the investment situation really is, however, because the bulk of the investment spending now taking place is for what the accountants call the "capital-consumption allowance," the amount estimated as necessary to compensate for the wear and tear and obsolescence of the existing capital stock."
Economic growth is defined by increased production, and we're not increasing production because investment is way down.

The Chinese economy is headed for a big crash too.


Occupy Wall Street metastasizes onto the global warming fraud.


Appalling statistics about our conviction system.
"Those raised on a steady diet of courtroom television shows believe that they are true to the way justice is meted out. This is completely naive. Trials in federal criminal cases are rare. Nine in ten cases are settled in pleas like the above case. Only 3 percent of the cases go to trial. Among those that go to trial, the defendant wins once in every 212 times."
Why bother with a trial? You are guilty as soon as they accuse you. The trial is just a charade to make it appear the system is fair. Of course this is why lawyers recommend taking deals. You could be the next victim.
"The United States has the largest prison population in the world — 2.3 million people. That's almost 1 in 100 people. That's more than the population of Latvia or Slovenia. That's nearly the entire population of Nevada. That's Wyoming, DC, North Dakota, and Vermont combined. If the prison population had congressional representatives, they would have four seats."

The job of the police is to enforce the will of the government and protect it.
"On June 27, 2005, the Supreme Court dismissed Castle Rock v. Gonzales on the grounds that there was no constitutional right to police protection."
If they occasionally protect Americans, that's a happy side-effect.


The Occupy Dayton rally swells to 100 people.


A few million virtual monkeys recreate all the works of Shakespeare.

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