Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Free kibbles


An Occupy protester wants to run the Jew bankers out of the country. The neocons like to scare us into thinking a new Nazi nation might rise and invade the world, but it's happening here. Others are calling for bringing back the Guillotine. I'll give this guy the benefit of the doubt and say he's probably exaggerating, but this is the kind of racism and violent rhetoric that's commonplace on the left and produced so much violence in the 20th century. When the Greeks first started violent rioting, I said it would come here soon. It's starting now.


In a hopeful sign for the future, more than twice as many Americans blame the government for our economic problems than blame Wall Street. Despite the best efforts of government schools, most Americans aren't dumb.

Another prediction that the US economy will collapse as fast as Argentina's.


Republicans pretend they're cutting spending, but in fact federal spending is up 5 percent this year over last.
"In fact, in the first nine months of this year, federal spending was $120 billion higher than in the same period in 2010, the data show. That's an increase of almost 5%. And deficits during this time were $23.5 billion higher."
Anybody out there who still believes Republicans want to reduce spending is a fool. Republicans are conning their voters. They've been conning their voters for generations. Republicans are partners with Democrats on a divide and conquer con that has looted America into a third world country. The only reason we don't realize it yet is the Fed keeps buying government debt which makes the looting invisible.
"Nor does the claim that state governments sharply cut spending stand up well to closer scrutiny.Overall state spending continued to climb right through the recession, when all money from state general funds and other funds, federal grants and state bonds is combined.
Total state outlays in 2010 were almost 10% higher than in 2008, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers' annual State Expenditure Report."
It's all a scam. They get rich. We get poor. And anybody who votes for a Republican or Democrat is enabling the scam.

Isn't it ironic that Occupiers are killing half a million dollars of taxpayer funded Obama stimulus boondoggle sod?

It looks like the Europeans plan to emulate the Fed and print up trillions of euros. This will make the dollar appear stronger temporarily, but it will be an illusion.


Bringing Friedman back into the monetary policy debate is not good. He carries the mantle of a free market champion, which he was in rhetoric, but in fact is a champion of Fed interventionism in economics. Friedman famously asked Phil Donahue why self-service is more virtuous in politics than in the marketplace, but he seemed oblivious to the implications of self-service of central bankers.
"But we've never been great fans of Milton Friedman (or at least not after we became "hip" to his agenda), mostly because of his strenuous attempts to justify central banking. Money as much as war is the health of the State. In fact, states seek ownership of money to FUND wars. The control of money by the State is paramount."
"Money is the health of the state." I like that. This goes hand in hand with Hoppe's explanation of why governments demand the control of money.
"It is also a fact that in the 21st century, the meme of central banking – the fear-based propaganda calling for its continued implementation – is shriller than ever. As never before in its history, central banking as a concept is under attack. It is no wonder that new and improved versions of central banking are being floated."
Exactly. Central bankers fear they might lose their printing press so they're invoking Friedman to save their phony baloney jobs.
"The biggest issue, however, is that central banking is evidently and obviously NOT set up for the benefit of the societies that it purports to support. Central banking is a methodology of elite centralization that stealthily bankrupts the middle class while supporting the ongoing globalization of government. This is why no matter what remedies are suggested, the destructiveness of central banking will never change. It's not a beneficial financial system; it's a weapon."
Great conclusion.

Talk about your pyramid scheme.


A month or so ago I lampooned the idea that listeria from cantaloupe was serious health issue Americans should be afraid of. At that time 12-16 people had died. It's impossible to lampoon such an issue because people are dying. It doesn't matter if it's 1 or 2 or 10. People are dying, and that's tragic. But I stand by my position that this is an absurd issue for the federal government and the media to cover. To date, only 25 people have died. Government's medical misadventure kills 100,000 Americans a year. This focus on listeria is nothing but propaganda to increase the government's control of our food supply to make us sicker and kill more Americans.

I predict that within five years the FDA will ban fast food, beef hamburgers.


Liberal causes clash: wind farm kills endangered bats.

Court correctly declares that there's no link between CO2 and polar bear endangerment. We can't depend on the courts.


You know how government always pretends it provides the best security in the world and that only government can provide security? They can't even protect the president's equipment from being stolen.
""No classified or sensitive information was in the vehicle," the agency said in a statement. "We take incidents such as this very seriously, and a formal investigation is continuing in coordination with relevant law enforcement agencies.""
But they still failed to protect it. Do you think they can protect you? Protecting you is not their job. Protecting the teleprompter is.

Following the Cloward and Piven model, the Occupiers demand prosecutors drop charges against the hundreds police arrested or they threaten to take them all to trial, effectively shutting down New York courts. The police played right into the Marxists' hands when they arrested 700 demonstrators for blocking traffic. It may not work out that way because protest organizers don't decide who makes deals. Individuals do. Contrast how nasty this Occupy movement has become, small as it is, compared to the huge, civil tea party protests.

I'm skeptical of this report that says the Feds have chosen to obtain warrants before seizing emails. I imagine that's true when they want and not true when they don't want.


Obama has deported a record number of illegal alien criminals. So what? All that means is there's a record number of illegal alien criminals in the US.


Clinton goes to Libya and accidentally speaks the truth.
"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Libya on Tuesday to urge its new government to establish firmer control over its people"
Government exists to loot and otherwise oppress the people. The government must kill the people who reject it.


Herman Cain is using campaign money to buy stuff from his own company. He like to pretend he's an outsider, but he knows all the corrupt insider tricks.

The Occupy Wall Street crowd is more diverse, including Ron Paul libertarians and tea party members, than reported. Hopefully those small government members will convince the rest that government power is the real problem.

Contrary to what this article says, the Occupy Wall Street movement is not a revolution. They want more government, not less.

2008 Libertarian Party presidential nominee Bob Barr plans to run for Congress as a libertarian Republican.

These consequences of demographic changes in the US would be meaningless in a free society, but because we're a welfare state dominated by government, they add to our economic pain. But you can't look at this problem in a vacuum. We won't be able to afford this welfare state so political reality regarding these demographics will change.

These graphs of donations for Republican candidates are amazingly informative. Ron Paul, far and away, draws support from a much larger segment of the population than any other candidate.


Washington Post blog covers all the candidates for tonight's debate and even includes one who isn't there: Huntsman. But it neglects to mention Ron Paul. In a free country, a reporter would be fired for this. In our government-dominated country, he'll probably get a promotion,


Rothbard on land prices.

Claim that US forces helped Hitler and Ava Braun escape to Argentina.
"It was at this point that the pair were able to flee Berlin, travelling to Tonder in Denmark before returning to Travemunde in Germany.From here it is claimed that they flew to a Spanish military base at Reus, south of Barcelona, before General Franco supplied a plane to take them to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands.A day later the two fugitives are said to have boarded a U-boat and the two body doubles were executed and their bodies subsequently burned.The book points to declassified FBI documents which contain references to Hitler having escaped Berlin to begin a new life in South America. It also includes testimony from the pilot who supposedly flew Hitler and Eva Braun out of Berlin to Mar Del Plata on the Argentinian coast.Here they say he lived in a wooden chalet in a remote village where they survived on the money from looted gold and jewellery.The book quotes a number of sources, such as cooks and doctors, who claim to have knew the Nazi leader before he died aged 73 on February 13, 1962. They claim that Hitler's bloodline survived through two daughters he had with Braun.If Hitler had escaped to Argentina, he would have been following in the footsteps of his henchmen, Mengele, Eichmann and Barbie who all fled after the war to South America."
Sounds intriguing. I wonder might motivate them to make something like this up.
"A film based on the claims called Grey Wolf is currently being made and is due to be released early next year."
Maybe a book and movie deal?

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