Thursday, October 27, 2011

Free kibbles


The US government can't protect its own computers or satellites from hackers, but it's using the pretense it can protect you to seize control of the internet.


The Occupy protesters are suffering under their own localized socialism.
"Newly sprung ex-cons and vagrants rousted from other parks are crashing the Occupy Wall Street protest, where gourmet meals are free and boozy, drug­fueled parties are on tap, the movement’s leaders griped yesterday.“They’re telling people who leave prison to go to Zuccotti Park,” lamented Daniel Zetah, a leader of the OWS community-relations group.
Volunteer Lauren Digioia, 26, said, “We have drug dealing going on here, gang activity, public intoxication. There are a lot of instigators. There are a lot of vultures.
“Everyone knows we give out free food and sleeping bags, and it’s a perfect opportunity for squatters.”"
Maybe they'll finally get the education they failed to receive in our communist school system. Socialism is inherently inefficient. It robs the productive. It rewards parasites. It promotes cronyism. It destroys the character of the people who suffer under it.


Story tries to make Angela Merkel into a hero for pressuring banks into taking a 50 percent haircut on Greek debt versus only a 21 percent haircut. This story rings of truth. The banks couldn't stand a full default. But at the same time I bet it doesn't tell the whole story. My guess is the politicians found another way to pay off the bankers. This is a temporary band-aid. The euro will collapse. The longer it takes, the more wealth European taxpayers will lose.

I don't know whether to post this under tax and spend or health care. It doesn't take a Mises scholar to explain that taxing healthy fat is a bad idea. Naturally people will become less healthy and poorer, making them even less healthy. Nobody would ever suggest that taxing something essential to life, like CO2, makes sense. Oh wait...


Pressed to answer, climate frauds admit the planet did not warm over the last decade even though CO2 emissions continued to rise. They admit they can't explain it. I can. The climate is dominated by natural processes, not human activity.


Herman Cain takes the lead in the Ohio poll.

Obama's long time partner in Marxism, ACORN, is helping organize the Occupy protests. These protesters may not know it, but Obama and his allies are pulling their strings. Frankly I think they do know it. They jump when their leaders tell them to jump.

There's always a movement to abolish the Electoral College. People are only against it when the other party is in power because they fear the power of incumbency.


The politicians in the House informed the media that they would only work 109 days in 2012. That's a lie. These politicians will work as many or more hours than the average American. They just won't work them in Congress. They'll work them in back rooms, at dinners, at bars, at shows at parties and on trips surrounded by lobbyists. This doesn't show that politicians are lazy. It shows they care far, far, far, far, far, ..., far more about the people who pay them than they care about the people who don't. Anybody who thinks their representative cares what they think is an anachronistic fool. Politicians, like every other human being, care about advancing their own economic interests. Gosh, politicians aren't Jesus Christ. Who would have guessed? That's why we have to take away all their power.


We hear a lot about the Yellowstone super-volcano, but a super-volcano in Bolivia is rising faster and may erupt first.

Nobel Prize press release for Dan Shechtman.

Remember when HP was going to sell off their PC division? Just joking!

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