Monday, October 10, 2011

Free kibbles


Incomes have fallen more since the official recession ended than they did during the recession.

Prediction that we are weeks away from another financial meltdown worse than 2008 which will be triggered by Europe's sovereign debt crisis.

Peter Schiff advises the pullback in gold is a buying opportunity because the long-term fundamentals point to much higher gold prices. It seems to me we're likely to see another general deflation soon, and all prices will fall like they did in 2008.


Amazon is pushing for a national internet sales tax. I guess the idea is it would streamline its tax collection issues. No thanks.

Economic and political reality will force military cuts overseas.


I can't believe that the establishment really wants a trade war with China. Nobody has anything to gain. I think this is all rhetoric.


How fiat money precipitated the European debt crisis.

Ron Paul fears the banksters are preparing an international fiat money system to replace the euro and the dollar. If it didn't work for the euro, why would anybody think it would work for the world?

New York bankers buy extra police protection. I guess Occupy Wall Street has them rattled.


If charter schools are so good at improving the quality of education because their adminstrators are allowed a tiny bit of freedom, just imagine how great private schools would be.


Health insurance premiums expected to rise by 9 percent in 2012. How's Obamacare working out for you?

Obamacare's phantom cuts are budgetary tricks that really increase the deficit.


During the campaign, Barack Obama promised to make coal so expensive that coal power plants would shut down. This is one promise he's keeping. New EPA regulations would shut down coal plants that product 10 percent of electricity in the US. Ouch.


American Anwar al-Awlaki was a ally of the government before he became an enemy assassinated by Obama.

Fear that Obama will declare martial law during the next economic collapse. If he tries, it will backfire on him. I don't think he will. He's a blind ideologue, and he certainly wants to collapse our economy, but he wants people to protest. He wants to spark a revolution. Martial law would hamper his leftist allies and inspire maybe inspire a different kind of revolution.

The FBI is very successful at thwarting its own terrorist plots.
"The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade — much of it valid — but nobody can deny its record of excellence in thwarting its own Terrorist plots.  Time and again, the FBI concocts a Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out — only to heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot manufactured by the FBI."
But they still find patsies.


Because the US government is losing the war in Afghanistan, it's ratcheting up tensions with nuclear-armed Pakistan.
"The Afghan government intelligence service is dominated by Tajik Communists from the old Soviet-created KHAD intelligence agency who are blood enemies of Pakistan and Afghanistan’s Pashtun majority."
Naturally our government empowered the socialists and minority tribes against the majority aligned with powerful neighbor Pakistan.
"The American bulls in South Asia’s china shop are ready to charge in, heedless of the facts or risks.
Threatening war against Pakistan, a nation of 180 million with a tough military is the height of folly. Our forces have not faced a tough enemy ground force since Vietnam. Pakistan will be no cakewalk.Pakistan controls most of the supply routes essential to US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. Most Pakistanis now consider the US a bigger enemy than old foe India."
The hubris and the consequences for it never end.


Details of how banking interests heavily influence US foreign policy.


The American people are beginning to realize our government is not for the people, thank goodness.
""The people are the government" is a dangerous notion because it leads the people to trust theirgovernment and their elected officials. The belief that they are active and valued partners of the state makes people become less likely to question political motives or demand explanations. It also makes them more likely to obey the law however unjust it may be."
"A key obstacle to freedom is the ideas that oppose it, ideas that are now entrenched into society as a form of dogma. "We the People" is one of them."
Because every individual has different desires, it's impossible for government to be for the people as a whole. Our government is a government for the rich, politically connected special interests, and that's all it can ever be.

This is not the advice I would give Ron Paul. My advice would be to focus on abolishing the income tax to revive the economy. Mention abolishing the income tax to save the economy every time somebody asked a question. As much as people are concerned about foreign wars, they're more concerned about the economy and taxes. If they give you a chance to follow-up, explain how we could save that much money but ending wars, shutting down bases and allowing alternate currencies.


A dissenting view of Steve Jobs and criticism for the over-the-top news coverage of his death.

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