Thursday, October 13, 2011

Free kibbles


Government is slowly dragging us into poverty when it isn't dragging us down in leaps and bounds. Many of you may think I'm nuts for saying this. You may say the modern household is far more wealthy than the household of the fifties. That fallacy is driven by two factors. First, technology advancement has made many things cheaper and higher quality. For example the phone. Second nearly every household today requires two incomes to maintain a middle class lifestyle compared to the one income in the fifties. Despite the fantastic advancements made by the people in the private sector, today, two people have to work to provide the lifestyle one did 60 years ago. That's the measure of how government has dragged us into poverty over the last 60 years. And it doesn't compare to the poverty government has created in the last decade, let alone the last couple of years, all of which we've yet to realize. But we inevitably will. There is no escaping our fate. We're going to wake up one day soon realizing that we're in abject poverty, and most people will wonder how it happened.


The M2 money supply metric jumped quite a bit over the summer. Even that inflation wasn't enough to keep the phony growth going.

Why the state creates central banks. Here's the result of monopolizing the production of money and making people accept worthless paper money as if it had value:
"In a way, you have thus accomplished what all alchemists and their sponsors wanted to achieve: you have produced something valuable (money with purchasing power) out of something practically worthless. What an achievement. It costs you practically nothing and you can turn around and buy yourself something really valuable, such as a house or a Mercedes; and you can achieve these wonders not just for yourself but also for your friends and acquaintances, of which you discover that you have all of a sudden far more than you used to have (including many economists, who explain why your monopoly is really good for everyone)."
Nice work if you can get it.


Was the timing of the bust of the FBI's Iranian stooge an attempt to deflect attention from Holder's role in fast and furious? I'm afraid it's timed to allow Obama to attack Iran shortly before the 2012 election.


Diane Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says that a chain of Iranian plots are possible. I wonder if that means that the FBI found number of Iranian patsies to set up, and we'll see more arrests soon.

Guess why the underwear bomber attacked the US.
"I had an agreement with at least one person to attack the United States in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel and in retaliation of the killing of innocent and civilian Muslim populations in Palestine, especially in the blockade of Gaza, and in retaliation for the killing of innocent and civilian Muslim populations in Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and beyond, most of them women, children, and noncombatants."
Just like the rest of them.


Apparently the Bloomberg debate didn't harm Cain but boosted him. According to this poll, he's now leading the field with 27 percent. It's absolutely sad that when people like Herman Cain are exposed as lying tools of the establishment - i.e the status quo - by people like Ron Paul that voters flock to them.

Obama is already running against Romney. The establishment is trying to make Romney's nomination a fait accompli. But then again, the establishment was wrong about Hillary in 2008. The people still ultimately decide elections.

The Occupiers escalate their violent rhetoric. There's already been low-level violence, but the violence will escalate until the press can't hide it any more and the American people will once again recognize how poisonous and violent leftist ideology is. The contrast with the peaceful, tolerant tea parties is profound.

Herman Cain recommended investing in housing in 2006. Oops. I think anybody who failed to foresee the housing bubble-financial-economic crisis coming should be disqualified. I think that leaves only Ron Paul.


Wall Street Journal busted for scam in which it secretly bought its own papers at a discount rate to make its circulation look bigger than it is.


Hayek was not a liberal. Mises was.
"According to Hayek, government is "necessary" to fulfill the following tasks: not merely for "law enforcement" and "defense against external enemies" but "in an advanced society government ought to use its power of raising funds by taxation to provide a number of services which for various reasons cannot be provided, or cannot be provided adequately, by the market." (Because at all times an infinite number of goods and services exist that the market does not provide, Hayek hands government a blank check.)"
He thought government should provide a safety net: welfare. That's not a liberal. But we can still take advantage of the good things he taught.

Gloria Steinem, on Chelsey Lately, just said that everybody who has a womb doesn't have to have a child in the same way everybody who has vocal chords doesn't have to be an opera singer. How stupid is that analogy? I didn't realize Gloria Steinem was stupid. Her analogy completely backfires because the basic function of vocal chords is to speak, not sing opera, and the basic function of a womb is to produce children. Her simplistic analogy implies every woman should have children in the same way that everybody should speak. What she fails to acknowledge is we have free will. We're not slaves to instinct or tradition. So people with vocal chords can refuse to talk and people with wombs can refuse to have children. But, assuming each is healthy, there's nothing natural about refusing.

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