Friday, October 14, 2011

Free kibbles


During a general deflation, gold historically loses less value than other investments.


The longer government keeps people unemployed by paying them unemployment benefits, the more unemployable they become. They're doing this in purpose. The plan is to turn these people into permanent dependents of the state so they will become reliable voters for increasing state power.

Taxes never collect as much revenue as projected because people change their behavior to avoid the tax. All they do is bankrupt businesses and stop other businesses from coming into existence.


Prediction that the European Central Bank will join the Fed in the money printing leading to global inflation and soaring socks and commodities.


Paramilitary cops raid farm for producing and selling raw milk.


Documents support the suspicion that the so-called Iranian assassination plot was actually an FBI/DEA sting operation.
"Although the legal document, called an amended criminal complaint, implicates Iranian-American Manssor Arbabsiar and his cousin Ali Gholam Shakuri, an officer in the Iranian Quds Force, in a plan to assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, it also suggests that the idea originated with and was strongly pushed by a undercover DEA informant, at the direction of the FBI."
The FBI manages to catch another of its own patsies.
"If you ask the leadership of the FBI, most of whose field agents are tireless, dedicated, Constitution-supporting professionals, it will tell you that it has foiled about seventeen plots to kill Americans during the past ten years. What it will not tell you is that there have been twenty foiled plots; and of them, three were interrupted by members of the public. The seventeen that were interrupted by the feds were created by them."
This is another charade.

Judge Napolitano exposes the sad truth about the FBI so-called terrorist busts.


Thanks to the US invasion of Afghanistan, there are zero churches left in Afghanistan.

Obama sends 100 US troops into a civil war in central Africa. This is another undeclared, unconstitutional war he's dragged us into. Dinesh D'Souza theorized Obama was an anti-colonialist. Wrong. He's a Marxist and a colonialist. Now we're going to have Ugandan terrorists trying to kill us.

Qaddafi loyalists are fighting to retake Tripoli. Rumors of Qaddafi's demise have been greatly exaggerated.


Why the worst people rise to the top of government.
"Honorable people, taking a wrong turn and blundering into positions of political leadership, would last no longer than a nun in a brothel. If ruthless rivals did not displace them at the earliest opportunity, the scrupulous people would soon remove themselves in disgust. People who lack pugnacity do not succeed as prize fighters; people who lack a talent for lying, stealing, and if need be, abetting homicide do not succeed in modern politics."
The author fails to make the link between public choice theory and why the worst get on top: the first qualification of every politician is he or she must successfully lie about his motives. He can't say he's out for himself. He has to lie and say he's working for the benefit of everybody. That makes politicians different than the rest of us. They are the worst of the worst people who meet the requirements for the position.

Boortz gets this one right: the Occupy movement is helping Republicans, not Democrats. The protests are a good reminder that leftists want to use government to steal from others so they don't have to work for a living. Wealth envy is why Marxists will never go away no matter how many times they are discredited. Lovers of liberty have to overcome the Marxists in the battlefield of ideas every day of every year of every century. George Will gets it right too.
"Its meta-theory is, however, clear: Washington is grotesquely corrupt and insufficiently powerful."
I wish I had said that in my essay on the Occupiers.

The Republican establishment wants Marco Rubio for VP. That means I don't want him.

Obama plays the race card.

All the Republican candidates sound more and more like Ron Paul.


Comparison of the media coverage given to the tea party versus the occupiers.
"The Occupy Wall Street protestors have received overwhelmingly positive coverage from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) news networks, as they used their airtime to publicize and promote the aggressively leftist movement. In just the first eleven days of October, ABC, CBS and NBC flooded their morning and evening newscasts with a whopping 33 full stories or interview segments on the protesters. This was a far cry from the greeting the Tea Party received from the Big Three as that conservative protest movement was initially ignored (only 13 total stories in all of 2009) and then reviled."
Is anybody surprised? This image says it all.

Check out the dates.

Google threatens to remove from Google news. Their argument seems bogus.


Dangerous water problems created by government control of water sources.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    An actual Marxist would be far more subtle and convoluted, thanks to his grasp of theory and revolutionary tradition. Obama has neither.
