Saturday, October 29, 2011

Free kibbles


Unions are on the verge of ruining Qantas Airlines. Unions are going extinct because they keep bankrupting their companies.


Defense of flash trading. The sooner information reaches the market, the better for all of us. This is same argument for insider trading.


Government economists commission a secret study that claims having too little government debt is a bad thing. Only government.

Suddenly when I see government budget info on the web, I see a big category called income security. It's about the same size as social security and national defense. Does it get any more Orwellian than that? The government steals your income to give you income security? What a joke. I bet within a month we'll start hearing this from liberal talking heads.

This is a great cartoon.

But government has all the power. Every bit of power the banks have was given to them by the government.


Nock's observations:
"Thus a system of State-controlled compulsory popular instruction is a great aid in making Homo sapiens an easy mark for whatever deleterious nonsense may be presented to him under the appearance of authority. One does not have to go farther than the account which the Pickwick Papers give of the great election at Eatanswill to see how this is so. The spread of literacy enabled Mr. Pott of the Gazette and Mr. Slurk of the Independent to approach the credulousness of a greater number of people than they could otherwise reach, and to debauch their credulousness much more effectively. It enabled Mr. Pott to play upon the meanest prejudices of the Blues, and Mr. Slurk to inflame the worst passions of the Buffs; and thus to keep alive the feud of ignorant partisanship, like the feud of the Greens and Blues in Rome and Byzantium so long ago, or the feud of Whigs and Tories, Democrats and Republicans, Black Shirts and Red Shirts, in more recent years."
Still going on today.


The elite hacker organization Anonymous threatens a Mexican drug cartel because they kidnapped one of its members. I swear to God I ran a Shadowrun campaign like this 15-20 years ago. We're living in a sci-fi reality of chaos and and social breakdown thanks to the most successful organized criminal syndicate in history: the US government. Let's think about this. They aren't threatening alcohol producers. They aren't threatening tobacco producers. They aren't threating the producers of prescription drugs. Government's unconstitutional ban on drugs has created this situation. And it's not just that. Hackers haven't attacked anybody who loves freedom demanding violence. The entire hacker community is a response to government oppression and targets government and its allies.


Texas sheriff employs first armed UAV.


I don't think Romney's claim that he would allow the Israeli government to guide US foreign policy toward Israel is unusual. I imagine as a general rule the US does this with all its allies. It was NATO that pressured the US to attack Libya, not vice-versa. When you have an activist foreign policy, it has to be tit for tat.


Lew Rockwell's political blog used to be all Ron Paul all the time. Now the majority of his posts attack Herman Cain. Of course Lew has a horse in this race, and he's doing whatever he can to take Cain down. He did something similar when Rick Perry shot to the top. But this time it's different. I don't think Lew ever thought Perry was a threat, and Perry collapsed under his own weight. But it's clear Lew thinks Cain is a threat. And before Perry shot to the top, since he fell by the side and since Cain shot to the top, Paul has stayed the same, polling about ten percent. I love Paul's enthusiasm and his relative commitment to principle. I love Rockwell's commitment to promoting Paul. But it isn't working. Paul still can't gain traction, and I' think it's because he fails to speak clearly from libertarian principle. He also fails to focus on the personal issue that matter to voters: taxes. Paul has the policies, but he fails to communicate them effectively to the electorate. We're going to be screwed again.

Nice job using Hollywood stars to expose the Occupy movement. If Wall Street execs were this pretty, nobody would protest them.


Dick Tracy's watch is reality.

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