Friday, November 26, 2010


Feds seize domain of torrent search engine.
"Aside from the fact that domains are being seized seemingly at will, there is a very serious problem with the action against Torrent-Finder. Not only does the site not host or even link to any torrents whatsoever, it actually only returns searches through embedded iframes which display other sites that are not under the control of the Torrent-Finder owner."
Neither principle, decency nor law matters to government.


Video illustrates the world after the death of the dollar. Needless to day, this is also alarmist.


Even the mainstream media is suggesting airport security should look for terrorists, not oppress everybody looking for terrorist tools. Other ruling class outlets will immediately attack this idea as racial profiling, but nobody is suggesting that. That would be nearly as stupid as looking for terrorist tools. Private sector security forces should behaviorally profile people, not racially profile them.

TSA agent busted for assault has previous record. This is a public service announcement that government attracts and rewards the most depraved, violent and perverted Americans to grope us.


Chinese government supposedly working to ease tensions in Korea. Really? Maybe they shouldn't have armed North Korea to the teeth if they didn't want it killing people. The Chinese government has created a monster it can no longer control. I think it's most likely that North Korea uses its nuke against China than anybody.


Apparently Obama is almost as bad at basketball as being president. He had to get 12 stitches after having his mouth busted today.


It's kind of fun to read the complete bull*** sometimes in the news. This article claims second hand smoke kills 600,000 people a year world-wide. I can remember growing up in a house stinking with clouds of smoke that literally hung like fog in our house. The curtains, previously neutral, reeked of smoke and were colored like phlegm coughed up from somebody dying from cancer. The same was true of all our furniture. Yet here I am today, 40 years later, healthy as a horse. As disgusting and putrid as second-hand smoke is, it's not a killer. I've lived it my entire life, from a childhood of smoking parents then subsequently taking many girlfriends who smokes as obsessively. You may wish 40 years of second-hand smoke had killed me, but it didn't, and not only that, I'm healthy as a horse. So shut the **** up about it you lying pieces of ****. Excuse me while I die of a stroke. ;)

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