Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Free kibbles


How can labor laws block an employer from firing an employee for comments on Facebook? This is bull too. Our federal government is out of control. Employers own jobs, not the employee and not the federal government. Nobody has a right to a job.


Obama's deficit panel recommends about $200 billion in spending cuts which will barely dent the deficit, meaning we'll continue to sink further into debt. That's like saying we should only drive over the cliff at 80mph instead of 100mph. This nothing but an attempt to make it appear the aristocrats are addressing our problems. It's an illusion. It's a distraction from the serious cuts we need to make. The only tax hikes mentioned in this article are "wiping out tax breaks". I bet this article is just intentionally ignoring the tax hikes. What's really sad is this is a more aggressive recommendation than incoming Republicans have made.


The latest excuse for the government to seize control of the internet is to protect our privacy. As if the government has ever cared about our privacy.


Wholesale food prices soar. Commodity prices soar. Obama and Bernanke are getting the destructive price inflation they both crave.

It's important to remember that the tea party movement galvanized as a response to the Wall Street bailouts, to TARP. The people did not want government to steal $700 billion from them and give it to Wall Street execs. Unfortunately, the people haven't yet grasped that Bernanke's "quantitative easing" is a much larger theft of their money which goes to the big banks on Wall Street too.
"With timing either stunningly inept or provocatively cavalier, on the very day after the election the Federal Reserve announced its latest money-creating, wealth transferring operation, euphemistically called Quantitative Easing II (QEII).
In an operation larger than either Bush’s $700 billion bailout or Obama’s $787 billion stimulus bill, the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee has decided to buy $900 billion in "longer-term" U.S. treasury bonds by the middle of next year; $600 billion in new purchases and $300 billion more by re-investing principal payments from assets it already holds.
That the policy is aimed at inflating stock prices is widely understood on Wall Street. As Art Cashin of UBS Financial Services wrote, its apparent purpose is "to lift the stock market and promote a wealth effect." In his Washington Post defense of the move, Bernanke admitted as much, saying stock prices got a boost last time and "higher stock prices will boost consumer wealth.""
He even admits this is a giveaway to Wall Street. Looking back at how wrong Bernanke was about the housing bubble and the economy how often, it's no wonder he announced a new bailout the day after voters resoundingly rejected the bailout mentality in Washington. His errors in judgment are breathtaking. North exposes Bernanke's claim that Congress mandated the Fed to create inflation as a lie.

In America's Looming Debt Crisis in March 2008, I wrote:
"This collapse of the dollar is the start of our economic collapse. The collapse of our credit rating would follow, and Moody's recently warned that our AAA credit rating is in jeopardy because of exploding debt."
The collapse of our credit rating has started with a Chinese credit rating agency lowering the US rating from AA to A+. Other agencies are sure to follow. I'm no financial or political genius, but I predicted this collapse years ago. Everything government is doing is destroying our country. The only way American as we know it will survive is if we dramatically reduce the size and scope of government at all levels, and fast. Two years ago I thought we had until 2020 at least. Now I doubt we'll last until 2016. As the size and scope of government rapidly grows, the collapse of America gets rapidly closer.


More Obamacare madness:
"Something else found in the 2000+ pages of Obamacare. This one affects any vending machine operator that operates 20 or more vending machines. Now the calorie count on all items in those vending machines will have to be visible to anyone using the machine. The vending industry says it will take 18 million man-hours a year to meet this requirement. That's 18 million man-hours not used in any productive activity designed to improve the company's bottom line. Eighteen million hours which constitute nothing but government-mandated non-productive busy work."
This regulation didn't start with Obama. Both parties of government have been aggressively stealing our wealth through regulation for 100 years. And we wonder what happened to our economy.


Prosecutors drop felony charges against financial manager for wealthy clients because it might cost him his job. Ya think? Do you think they'd do the same thing for the pizza delivery guy? This is a good reminder that all prosecutors have power, and therefore all prosecutors are corrupt. I doubt corruption this obvious will stand.

I was thinking about this opt-out policy of the TSA. If you don't want a nude picture of yourself and your children taken so it can be drooled over by TSA perverts who might well stalk and kidnap your children later, you and your children can opt-out and instead be groped by TSA perverts in a manner that if done by any other American would land them in prison for 20 years. That's no opt-out. That's like saying, "You can opt-out of the nude scanner, but we're going to waterboard you to see if you're a terrorist. You're a free person, so you can take your pick." That's a false choice. The choices give us by the TSA are no choice at all. That's not freedom. The government has no legitimate power to molest Americans who want to fly commercial airlines. Period. As if ripped from my blog:
"If a man without a Uniform walked onto a playground and physically assaulted a young girl playing there, he spent 20 years in prison. But in any airport, an Up wearing a TSA Uniform could assault the same young girl without fear of reprisal. And he could do it all day. "I love my job!""
There's more. In this article, an "Up" means a government agent, and a "Down" means a mundane.
"Amabo marveled: if a policeman kills you, he gets a promotion. For the same crime a Down would pay with his life – or at least with life without parole. An IRS Up can rob you under threat of deadly force; without the Uniform, a Down would receive twenty years in jail for that – or, if his victim had Concealed Carry, he could get a bullet between the eyes. An Up called a "Mayor" can bulldoze your house and give your land to his pals. A Down trying this would briefly experience a loud shotgun blast; later, a used bulldozer would be for sale."
Americans need to get rid of their delusion that America is ruled by laws. America is ruled by self-serving thugs. The tea party is the first inkling that Americans are figuring this out. Unfortunately they don't recognize Republicans are self-serving thugs too.
""Step over there to the Waterboard, lady!" ordered an Up officer. He wore a bright and shiny badge."
I guess waterboarding has been so ingrained in the consciousness of Americans, it makes sense many would use it in this context. You think I'm exaggerating about the perv aspect?
"Indian film star Shahrukh Khan told a BBC talk show that naked images of his body from the scanner were printed out and circulated by airport staff at Heathrow in London. Heathrow denied the claim but Khan himself never retracted the story, and had no apparent motive for making it up.
Heathrow authorities were unable to deny a later example of the scanners being abused, when it emerged that a Heathrow worker had perved over a naked image of a female colleague after she passed through one of the devices, before commenting, “I love those gigantic tits”.
Jo Margetson, 29, reported John Laker, 25, to the police after she had entered the x-ray machine by mistake and Laker took the image before making lewd comments."
Video includes story of how 16 year old girl is forced to take her pants off so her artificial leg can be groped. Every pervert and thug in the world is working to get a job at TSA, and most of them will succeed. They're the kind of people the TSA is looking for. They'll be stalking your children.
"Incidents of TSA agents behaving like secret political police and embarking on petty power trips to harass innocent people have exploded way out of control and it has to stop now. Even overlooking the primary issues of gross violations of rights and privacy, the fact is that a large number of people have simply refused to travel to America anymore because entering the country is like trying to get into the old East Germany. This is killing the tourism industry and costing hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
A 2006 investigation by the Discover America Partnership found that tourism to America had sunk due to “a climate of fear and frustration that is turning away foreign business and leisure travelers from visiting the United States and damaging America’s image abroad.”
No less than a third of tourists vowed never to return to America after experiencing the treatment of Homeland Security officials at ports of entry. By early 2007, the U.S. had lost around 60 million visitors as a result of the stifling and intrusive security measures implemented since 9/11, which were proven to be completely flawed in light of the underwear bomber incident on Christmas Day."
Ya think?
"The national security police state has been advancing for years but now that the true takeover of American society is in full swing, Americans are finally beginning to understand that everything supposedly aimed at terrorists is in fact directed towards them."
Americans are slowly, too slowly, waking up. Once again I'm reminded of "They Thought They Were Free". Woman claims TSA chains her to a chair and destroys her equipment. She is a pretty, young woman who claims she was singled out for the nude-scanner. Another report of TSA singling out a pretty, young womanMore questions for TSA. TSA frisks old lady in wheelchair. These searches violate the Forth Amendment. Any parent that voluntarily subjects their child to this is rotten parent.

Letter-writing website already has an effect.
"Yesterday afternoon, I linked from here to US Air’s letter to me around 4:20. I immediately saw a spike in the number of reads on my anti-TSA blog coming from LRC. At 4:41, I received a call from US Air with a new “offer.”"
It's a start.

Not too long ago I hoped unions would help put an end to TSA abuses, and now it seems unions are moving that direction. But notice how this is all about special interests. They don't want to end the abuse. They just want an exemption. Just as I predicted. Same with the pilot's union. Campaign to put a full page anti-TSA ad in the New York Times.

New generation of surveillance drones for domestic spying.

Cops are not angels, our justice system encourages police officers to invent crimes to make themselves look good so they can make more money, and the laws themselves are generally arbitrary and designed to extract revenue for the government. All laws, no matter how minor, arbitrary or unjust, ultimately carry the death penalty for anybody who refuses to submit. Is it worth killing somebody because they broke the speed limit or rolled through a stop sign even if they never endangered anybody by doing so?


Bush the Younger claims to have read 14 Lincoln biographies. Anybody who worships Lincoln should be disqualified from government office.

The Pentagon claims that contrail that looks remarkably like a missile contrail was really caused by a plane. A plane like the space shuttle maybe. "Nothing to see here. Move along." I wonder what they're covering up.

The warefare state is the logical extension of the Keynesian state.
"The official alchemists responsible for transmuting debt into political power eventually find it impossible to siphon wealth out of the productive class in amounts sufficient to meet the needs of the political class. When this happens, the ruling elite will inevitably turn to bloodshed as a source of economic "stimulus.""
This goes back to my claim that if you elect central planners, people who violence to force their will on others, either domestically or in foreign policy, because of their violent character, those same people will use violence to force their will in the other arena.


Establishment Republicans blame Sarah Palin and the tea party for their failure to take the Senate. Jerks. If not for the tea party, they wouldn't have taken anything.

You know how those pollsters always claim their polls have an error of 3.5 percent? Nevada proves otherwise.

Gary North explains how, because Democrats control the Senate and the presidency, Boehner and establishment Republicans will pretend to support small government - passing a bill to repeal Obamacare knowing full well it won't pass the Senate or if it does, Obama won't sign it, then hammering Obamacare and Obama in hearings for two years - then after they win the Senate and presidency in 2012, Republicans will modify Obamacare to share in the looting and spend, spend spend like usual. By 2012, the new tea party people will be corrupted, and it will be business as usual for Republicans.


Dick Van Dyke claims porpoises saved him by pushing him back to land after he fell asleep on his surfboard.

I don't think there's anything fun about the Murdoch-Koch alliance using Glenn Beck to attack George Soros, who is in turn going after Beck. I know Beck thinks he's on the side of God, but Murdoch and the Koches are government lovers and manipulators too. This is the kind of clash of titans that can crush the regular people. It would be nice if they would just destroy each other and leave freedom for us, but there's no way that'll happen.

Defending Jefferson from left-wing attack.

Guide to a year's worth of survival food storage. Let's hope government doesn't make the crash this bad, but it darn well might.

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