The Teamsters are attacking Toys-R-Us because of labor disputes, not unsafe products.
Big business is enjoying its biggest profits in decades because Bernanke, Obama and Congress are robbing the American people blind and transferring our wealth to big businesses. The only power the Fed has is to steal our money through inflation. Taxes also steal our money. All government spending is paid for with stolen money (even borrowed money must be paid off with stolen money). And all that stolen money in the hands of the ruling class is always used to profit the ruling class at our expense.
Great chart shows exactly what I wrote earlier about government turning our world upside down, turning virtue into vice and vice into virtue. As the chart shows, because of all the government handouts,
"In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year"As wonderful as it is to have a chart showing this, I hope nobody is surprised by this.

It looks like the bailout of Ireland's government was pushed by the EU to benefit banks, not requested by Ireland's government.
If you're the SEC, with your image destroyed by the Bernie Maddof failure, the failure to notice the Wall Street melt down before it happened, and best known for your regulators looking at porn on the job, what would be the best publicity stunt you could pull? Attack hedge funds, wildly unpopular with most Americans, for insider trading and leak news of the assault so you could frame the story on your terms. Laws against insider trading are bogus. First, it's a demand to keep investors ignorant, which makes the markets less efficient. Second, it's criminalizes profiting from valuable information for a few when profiting from valuable information is how economies work, and everybody else is free to do so. But worst of all, it's an act of aggression against free people.
"The worst part of it all is that hedge funds have been forced to instruct their traders to be careful what they say on the phones, for fear the phones are tapped. ZH thumbs the situation this way, "Traders at two $10bn+ HFs told not to speak to sales coverage on fears all conversations bugged."
As I have said before, the fear that someone may be monitoring your conversation is one of the most evil fears that a government can bring down on a nation. I continue to believe it is a form of solitary confinement. Wall Street is now in partial solitary confinement, as a result of some power tripping egomaniacs in government. Today it is Wall Street, tomorrow it could be your street. Welcome to the USSR."In 1984, nobody knew when or if the government was listening.
Fed minutes from earlier this month, they delay releasing them to keep us in the dark, show that Bernanke met some resistance with his QE2 plan, but he won the day anyway.
The supposedly smart and wise men at the Fed were wrong again and had to revise down their projections for US growth for the next two years. I don't think Bernanke has ever been right, yet we've empowered him to destroy our economy, and that's exactly what he's doing.
Because of the rising price of rare metals, crooks are stealing catalytic converters.
Theory that newfound awareness of Austrian business cycle theory is keeping businessmen from falling for the Fed's low-interest rate trap. Or maybe it's the banks since they still refuse to lend.
Bill proposes making it easy for states to opt out of worst provisions of Obamacare. This is another divide and conquer strategy. By getting rid of the worst offenses, they plan to make the bulk of Obamacare palatable and permanent. Don't fall for it. This is how Republicans plan to share in the looting like I predicted all along.
This guy gets it. Republicans are only claiming they want to repeal and replace Obamacare as a means of defeating Obama in 2012, then they'll drop that issue. As Obama, Pelosi and Democrats understood when they forced Obamacare down our throats, Obamacare, with modifications to allow Republicans to share in the looting, is here to stay.
CO2 emissions dropped in 2009. The enviromarxists consider this a good thing proving that stunting human development is their goal.
Obama plans to push forward with his regulation of CO2 even though Congress can't pass a bill to that effect. That's because he's an evil dictator.
Did we really need a study to tell us that global warming saves lives? Don't we all know that more people die from excessive cold than heat? This is common knowledge. But we still need the study to get out there because the frauds will stop at nothing to force world-wide communism on us. We need every piece of ammunition we can get to stop them.
Joe Bastardi is everywhere including making north pole sea ice predictions on
Imagine how warped these little kids are becoming by being forced by their parents to submit to these TSA gropes and watching their parents submitting to them as well.
Many people disputed my claim that TSA's powers make it a haven for perverts. Former Orlando TSA agent just pleaded no contest to child molestation.
What's the real reason TSA forces us to into nude-scanners?
"The companies with multimillion-dollar contracts to supply American airports with body-scanning machines more than doubled their spending on lobbying in the past five years and hired several high-profile former government officials to advance their causes in Washington, government records show."Oh yeah. Because it enriches the aristocrats at our expense. That's the nature of government.
Great parody video shows the Japanese understand the TSA all too well. In keeping with the theme that government turns virtue into vice and vice into virtue, now the TSA wants us to think they're the victims. Poor babies. Only nobody is forcing TSA agents to pat us down or look at us on nude scanners. They're the ones using force against us, not vice-versa.
Head TSA thug says flying is not a right, but he fails to mention where the Constitution gives government the power to harass fliers.
Prison guards are not allowed to molest prisoners the way TSA is molesting fliers. More on the double-standard of TSA porn and molestation:
"The Chattanoogan reports that a man pleaded guilty in federal court in Chattanooga to downloading child pornography on his computer. For that, he will serve 80 months in prison and have 15 years of supervised release.
However, had he been working for the TSA he not only could have downloaded naked images of children (now 13 and above), but he could also have had the opportunity to molest boys and men. Ah! The privileges of wearing that special costume!"I'm afraid Americans will never get over badge-worship.
It's nice to read somebody else who shares my feeling about how we're marching the same path the Germans went down that spawned the Nazis.
"I believe one of the most serious misunderstandings about totalitarianism is that it arrives as a full package that requires no assembly. That it is put on the people, like a winter coat. All at one time, and in full view for all to see."Exactly. Nobody is saying the US today is like Nazi Germany in 1940. But the Nazis weren't teleported down from a spaceship to seize power. The tools that enabled them to rise to power were put in place decades earlier, the strife that enabled them to come to power was created decades earlier, and our government has very similar tools and is creating similar strife today.
More concern about the dangers of nude-scanner radiation.
Now Janet Napolitano admits she plans to expand TSA's police state tactics to other forms of transportation. Soon you'll have to have a body cavity search to get in your own car.
Author completely misses the significance of this poll which says 80 percent of Americans support the nude scanners. The problem isn't the poll. The problem is most Americans don't fly, so they don't care about taking nude pictures or molesting the ones who do. This is another example of how the ruling class divides us in order to conquer us, and they don't even have to break a sweat. All they have to do is run a poll. She does get this part right:
"All summer, while the perverts were installing their gizmos at airports, the local media reported how the agency was “increasing passenger security” and “adding a new layer to its multi-layered approach to fighting terrorism.” Sprinkled through the stories would be quotes from passengers cheering this desecration of the Constitution. One might lodge a mild protest — “Hey, maybe it’s going a bit far, but I don’t know, it’s a new world out there since 9/11” — but the three or four others praised the TSA and pledged cooperation."The media manipulated public opinion before it took the poll, as it always does. Only people with principle, and there's far too few of those, and people who have been subjected to the abuse are resisting.
Ron Paul reports on being groped.
"Recently, Ron Paul had to go through his first invasive pat-down at the airport; his knee replacements bar him from the gulagoscan. This is one of the most well-mannered men I know, but after four very hard jabs to his genitals, he asked the blue-gloved TSA agent: “How can you live with yourself, feeling up strange men all day long?”
“I love my job,” sneered the goon."I'm reminded of the tax collectors for the sheriff of Nottingham.
Kind of like a broken clock, Barney Frank gets one half right.
"“It may be possible for a wealthy, western society, heavily to intervene in a non-western, non-white poor society and help them out but probably not us,” Rep. Frank said while participating in a panel discussion at the libertarian CATO Institute about reducing the United States’ defense budget.
“Given, much of what I think is unfair, the anger about America, the jealousies, whatever, we’re often the least useful people to go in there and all we do is make people angrier at us.”"The same would be true of any outsiders who come in and start killing locals. Think about how the Iraqis turned on al Qaeda's foreign fighters in the Anbar awakening. There's no need for Frank to insult Americans. Nation-building is a centrally planned activity and is therefore doomed to fail no matter who does it.
"“So, on the one hand it is our obligation to be the world’s protector and we are pressed to do that. Well, they cut back on their military but on the other hand, they object to doing anything other than cutting the deficit. I will be again at the votes and they will talk about, ‘well maybe it’s time for the dollar not to be world’s standard.’ My answer to them is the Pentagon shouldn’t be the world’s military; if you really feel threatened, defend yourself,” he added."But he's 100 percent correct on that one.
"Frank also expressed disapproval of the proposed missile defense system supported by President Barack Obama and NATO which is designed to defend countries like Poland and Bulgaria. The system will reportedly cost approximately $273 million over 10 years."And that one too. Why should we pay for Europe's missile defense? Too bad Frank, if he has to be in Congress, is on the finance committee instead of some military watchdog.
Even if starting wars and nation building all over the middle east was a good idea, here's why it's going to end soon, and we would be smart to end it intelligently on our terms.
"According to the US government, 41.8 million Americans now receive food stamps. Meanwhile, Washington is spending $7 billion monthly on its nine-year old occupation of Afghanistan, not to mention billions more on trying to build an obedient Afghan army and to pay of Pakistani politicians and general."The same is true with the welfare state. End it now, intelligently, instead of allowing everything to crash.
"All the platitudes, doubletalk, synthetic optimism and fudging at the NATO summit could not conceal the fact that for all their soldiers, fighter aircraft, heavy bombers, tanks, helicopter gunships, armies of mercenaries, and wizardly electronic gear, the western powers are being slowly beaten by a bunch of lightly-armed Afghan farmers and mountain tribesmen."Of course they are. They're fighting in their homeland. We're the foreign fighters trying use violence to force a central plan on them. It's doomed to fail. Even the Pentagon recognizes that Afghan violence is at an all time high. And now Obama is bribing Israel?
"Obama came fresh to Lisbon from groveling before Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, pleaded with Israel for a token three-month freeze on settlement building in exchange for a huge bribe from Washington of advanced US F-35 stealth warplanes, promises of UN vetoes, and raising to $1 billion US arms stockpiled for Israel’s use.
Israel will likely accept Obama’s huge bribe, but with even more sweeteners, and not before rubbing his face in the dirt to show who really calls the shots in US Mideast policy. George H.W. Bush, the last president to tangle with Israel, came out far the worse for the experience and was not re-elected."It's about time the Europeans got fed up, but through NATO we fund so much of their welfare states, they couldn't just refuse. All welfare is poisonous to both provider and recipient.
"While the US heads deeper into war and debt, its dragooned European allies are fed up with what was supposed to have been a limited "police action" to eliminate al-Qaida bases.
Instead, Europe got a full-scale war against Afghanistan’s Pashtun tribes raising uneasy memories of its 19th-century colonial "pacifications." This is Britain’s fifth invasion of Afghanistan."This was hasn't been about al Qaeda since the first few months, if it ever was.
"In a moment of unusual candor, British Defense Chief Gen. Sir David Richards, warned, "NATO now needs to plan for a 30 or 40 year role." In short, permanent occupation. It’s worth recalling that US forces have been implanted in South Korea and Japan since the end of World War II."And John McCain advocated this position. No thanks.
"Afghan president Hamid Karzai is demanding the US scale back military operations, including night raids and death squads, that inflict heavy civilian casualties. Washington counters that Karzai is mentally unstable."So now we're calling the puppet we installed names.
"America’s rational for invading Afghanistan was to destroy al-Qaida. But CIA chief Leon Panetta recently admitted there were no more than 50 al-Qaida operatives left in Afghanistan. The rest – no more than few hundred - fled to Pakistan years ago.So what are 110,000 US troops and 40,000 NATO troops doing in Afghanistan? Certainly not nation-building. Most reports show Afghanistan is in worse poverty and distress than before the US invasion."As I pointed out above.
The people developing the not-mosque at not-ground zero are applying for federal funds. Have I mentioned that government has turned our world upside down? Virtue is now a vice, and vice is now a virtue.
This is why Mike Brown is the worst owner in NFL history:
"And, the reality is, the Cincinnati Bengals are content to lose football games because the belief is that the team ultimately determines success and failure by profit and loss, and even though they are small market and even though they are low revenue, they don't spend a lot of money so they Cincinnati Bengals are financially successful year in and year out."That's exactly right. Man I wish this site would change its imagery. Oh man I love the idea of making a sitcom about Mike Brown's ineptitude. Coach meets Major League.
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