Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Free kibbles


Europe is experiencing the devastating effects of labor unions empowered by a grant of coercion from the government.
"Not only did they stop working but they also turned to paramilitary tactics. They seized refineries and fuel depots; they closed fuel pipelines going to Charles de Gaulle and Orly airports, and massively disrupted rail travel. The fuel shortages have crippled the economy. Strikers stopped work at two of France's three liquefied-natural-gas terminals. All 12 French refineries have gone on strike. The country has also started to import electricity as the wave of protest action took hold of energy supplies. Students have taken to the streets, and the police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse protesters in cities like Paris, Marseille, Toulouse, and Bordeaux."
This is the path we're on.


Hungarian government seizing private pension funds. If we don't reverse course on the road to serfdom, this will happen here.

Retiring Ohio Republican Senator Voinovich wants to increase gasoline taxes by 25 cents a gallon. Anybody who thinks Republicans are our friends is nuts. I'm sure many will say Voinovich is a RINO. Baloney. He's a typical Republican.

Republicans couldn't save us from our debt even if they wanted to.
"The only specie of Democrat that's even entertained the notion of entitlement reform was the Blue Dog Democrat. As of this morning, that particular specie is extinct. The remnant of the Democratic caucus consists of aging, hard-core liberals who have spent a political lifetime accumulating anti-Republican bile against the policies of Reagan and the Bushes."
The same people who controlled Congress for the last two years.


Pennsylvania state government to regulate all food in government schools. This is going to turn out badly.


Chuck Schumer blames oil companies for rising gas prices. I don't think it's going to work this time. The Fed gives new meaning to the term monopoly money.

Inflationary monetary policy has created the biggest gap between rich and poor since the 20s.

More mainstream criticism of the Fed's devaluation of the dollar.


More nonsense about we're not going to have any energy when oil runs outs because investment currently lags behind the current expected date when oil will run out. But investment won't remain at this level. As oil reserves begin to run out, whenever that is, prices will rise. That's the role speculators play. Rising prices will provide incentive to research alternatives. The invisible hand works. The last thing we need is government to interfere. All that does is create problems.

If BP didn't put profits before safety, how come they had so many safety problems on Deepwater Horizon? This sounds like a whitewash. BP must have pleased the gods of government.

Obama's EPA is in the process of creating expensive new regulations for appliances for every room in the home. Who will suffer the most? Poor people. Poor people always suffer the most from government action.


Rape survivor "devastated" by TSA groping. Government doesn't give a damn, but it does care about the press. Government will modify this policy to allow the rich and politically connected, which includes news people, to opt out. Airlines losing business because of police state policy. And this point can't be made often enough:
"Oh. And note that there is no mention of the sexual assaults that are now routine in American airports. Such things are not for hoi polloi."
If anybody else did these things to an American, they would be convicted as a sex offender. There should be no double-standard here. The government should have no powers other than those granted by the people, and the people can't grant powers they don't have.

Website dedicated to TSA horror stories. Website posts letters to airlines and tourist destinations complaining about TSA.


Nobody takes credit for an apparent missile launched from either over, under, or on the ocean near LA. This is has gone viral.

Praise for a book that refutes neoconservatism from the libertarian point of view by a conservative.


Strategic summary of India.


Congressional Black Caucus unhappy that black tea party candidate plans to join.
"The CBC is currently made up of 41 House members and outgoing Sen. Roland Burris (Ill.) — all Democrats. 

West and Congressman-elect Tim Scott (R-S.C.) are the first black Republicans to win House seats since Rep. J.C. Watts (R-Okla.) retired in 2003."
This will be interesting.

The top 50 big earners in politics. This is a good reminder that government exists for one and only one purpose: to enrich and empower the aristocrats at our expense.

Forget all the claims by all the pundits. Democrats got creamed because some Obama voters turned against him. But why? Because the country keeps going downhill.

Lew Rockwell finally admits:
"Even State voting is not immoral, if one intends to advance liberty."
It's about time.

Lord Geithner's father funded Obama's mother's work in Asia.


There are wolves in government, then there are government wolves.

Koch versus Soros (with Glenn Beck).

Red meat has a calming affect on men.

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